The Pentagon warned that they have reached the end of the funding to help protect Ukraine from Russia’s attack that started earlier this year. To fix it, leaders have struck a deal to send $39.8 billion to Ukraine in its effort to stave off the Russian attack.
That amount was more than Biden had asked for. The White House only requested an additional $33 million.
Congress had previously passed the $33 billion the White House had requested to aid Ukraine. This went to security, economic and humanitarian assistance including $5 billion which would go to additional presidential drawdown authority funding, according to the Hill.
Joe Biden has reached the end of that drawdown authority with only $100 million left, the Pentagon said on Monday.
This comes as Biden announced last week a $150 million assistance expenditure to Ukraine and the remaining $100 million will go to weapons and other support equipment. Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby told reporters that these dollars will run out soon.
Additionally Biden had sign a lend-lease bill similar to one that gave the United Kingdom access to military equipment during World War II.
Biden signs Ukraine Lend-lease Act into law, expediting military aid
— NewsFromUkraine (@newsfromukr) May 10, 2022
Biden has seen inflation and other crises in the country continue to spiral out of control, he has no problem continuing to fund the counterattack of the Ukraine military to drive Russia out of their country.
Biden warned last week that these efforts could come to a screeching halt as the administration has nearly exhausted the dollars to provide military assistance to Ukraine.
While the bill to provide more aid had stalled due to a desire by some to add non-related CV pandemic assistance to the bill, Biden requested that they be handled separately. This ended the stalemate and led to an agreement.
With all the problems at home, do you think we should be spending another $40 billion dollars on Ukraine?