The film actress, Zara Phythian, and her martial arts instructor husband, Victore Marke, were sentenced to 14 years in jail for child sexual abuse. She starred alongside Benedict Cuberbatch in the Marvel movie Doctor Strange.

Her and her husband abused a 13-year-old together and Marke abused a 15-year-old girl by himself. Phythian, 37, faces an 8-year sentence and her husband is facing a 14 year sentence, reported the BBC. They were tried in Nottingham Crown Court in Britain.

The actress gave the teenager rum before forcing the her to perform sex acts on Marke by asking her if she wanted to “play dare” with her husband.
Marke then proceeded to have sex with the girl 20 different times. The victim, who remained unnamed, said that the couple were like “jekyll and Hyde.” They threatened her and filmed videos of her in the acts as well.

The Judge, Mark Watson, described Marke as the “driving force behind the abuse.”
“It has been said that both of you present as impressive individuals, each with a long list of accomplishment,” the judge continued. “You, Victor Marke, were somebody your students looked up to. You Zara Marke were also someone that was looked up to by those you taught.”

“Most people have held you in high esteem. That is why you were able to groom the victims in this case and get away with it for so long.”
“You groomed her and there was a significant disparity in your ages. Both of you exposed her to sex acts. You showed her how you liked it and she described it as a ‘very advanced, dirty, naughty side. She said ‘God I’ve done everything and I’m not even 16 yet.”
When speaking to Phythian, he said, “Whilst you denied in cross-examination that you were besotted with Victor Marke, on the evidence I have heard I am in no doubt that your deviance was shaped by the influence that he had upon you from an early age.”
The couple were found guilty by a trial by jury and sentenced Monday.

The judge also said during sentencing that Phythian was essentially groomed by Marke’s “deviance” at an early age. “You’re relationship started at a time when you were young,” said the judge.
Phythian continued to brand the allegations “bullshh*t” – when asked by the police.
She said, “They [the claims] are untrue. She has lied to me all the time I have known her. I am not a paedophile, or a rapist. Nor is Vic.”
How many more cases are there like this Hollywood?