In the ongoing saga of parents not being able to find baby formula to feed their children in the United States of America, now another city is seeing babies hospitalized with malnutrition. We first reported a town in Tennessee, and now it’s Milwaukee.
Milwaukee is the latest city to report that its tiniest citizens have had to be hospitalized due to the baby formula crisis. The Clinical Nutrition Manager with Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, Jennifer Crouse, told TMJ4 “It is true that we’ve seen babies hospitalized because they don’t have enough formula, or they’ve made homemade formula that aren’t meeting their nutrient needs, and they’re experiencing things like malnutrition. This is something that’s harming kids because we don’t have enough supply on the market,” reports Breitbart.
Breitbart News Tweeted: “Another state is reporting that American children are facing hospitalization because of a shortage of baby formula.”
Another state is reporting that American children are facing hospitalization because of a shortage of baby formula.
— Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) May 22, 2022
This is a problem that has been brewing for months, ever since Abbott Nutrition recalled several of their baby formulas. Instead of being proactive and preventing what has become a nightmare for parents, the Biden administration is having to be reactive to what is now a crisis.
Parents are scrambling to find anything to feed their precious little ones. The problem, says Crouse, is that “[w]e’ve seen kids get admitted to our emergency room in our hospital who are mixing things together that are really just not nutritionally complete or adequate for their child. The other thing we’ve seen is families trying to dilute formula by adding extra water, another thing we would definitely discourage against,”
Breitbart reports: “Children’s Wisconsin says homemade formula can cause liver and kidney damage or even an imbalance in your baby’s body that can cause their heart to stop. The hospital says diluting formula can lead to brain swelling or even organ failure.”
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This is some really scary stuff. Because of Biden’s lethargy in addressing the problem head on, babies could actually die. His failure to timely act is leading parents to take actions they never would have dreamed of, just to fill their babies’ bellies, because there is no formula on the shelves. Of all the crises Biden has caused, is this one the worst?