On June 5th, a man stopped a car thief by using a forklift to lift his vehicle off the ground because a woman was caught allegedly trying to steal it. The footage is amazing and shows the man’s quick reaction in a scene almost out of a Hollywood movie.

The owner of the vehicle, Brendan Mills, found a woman inside his Volkswagen Polo at his property near Brisbane, Australia. Luckily, he had parked a forklift next to the car with the forks even facing the vehicle. This came in handy in the video next after he was able to use the forklift to lift the car off the ground and prevent the thief from escaping with his vehicle.
The would-be-thief was seen trying to escape suddenly being airborne, but was unable to because of the positioning of the forks that were stopping the doors from opening. Police footage then shows the officers arriving at the scene and seeing the car raised on the forklift. They then open the door as it is lowered and tell the woman, “Out you get.”
“You had this immense amount of adrenaline running through the system, and lots of thoughts cross your mind. I just went. Well, there’s a forklift sitting there. Why not?” Mills said later of the incident. “I asked them many times to get out of the car. We’re home. You’re busted. Get out of the car. You know it’s over.”

Security cameras show the woman coming onto the property at 5:30 PM that Sunday. According to police, she then entered the house, took a shower, and changed her clothes. The unidentified woman, 24, was arrested then charged with burglary and unlawful use of a motor vehicle.

Law enforcement said that Mills’ method of stopping the car thief was novel, but could be dangerous for others and warned against such maneuvers.
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“To ensure community safety, police recommend members of the public not engage in methods of disrupting criminal activity which may involve risk of personal harm or further legal recourse,” said law enforcement.
This is the kind of scene you would almost see in a movie and was pretty hilarious to boot! Criminals are getting more brazen across the world after the pandemic, not just in the States, because times are getting harder. Would you have been quick enough to do what this man did to stop a criminal? Have you ever stopped a theft in progress before? Let us know in the comments.