A newly-released video shows the fatal crash of a MV-22 Osprey helicopter as it careened into the USS Green Bay. The three Marines on board died.
The Osprey aircraft has the ability to fly like a helicopter and an airplane. The video posted on Saturday shows one trying to land on the deck of an aircraft carrier off the coast of Queensland, Australia. The incident took place almost 5 years ago on August 5, 2017.
While it was going in for a landing, the aircraft drops unexpectedly and begins to pitch to one side. It was carrying 26 Marines and fell 30 feet into the Pacific Ocean.

Three Marines did not make it and were trapped in the cockpit as the craft sank. They are listed: 1st Lt. Benjamin Cross, 26, of Oxford, Maine, Cpl. Nathaniel Ordway, 21, of Sedgwick, Kansas and Pfc. Ruben Velasco, 19, of Los Angeles.
An internal investigation by the USNI News found nobody at fault for the crash and determined that the men died in the line of duty.
“The investigation outlines a complex but low-risk mission. The Marine Corps determined the aircraft crashed due to facing too much down wash and not having the thrust to hold its hover, but the aircraft may also have been carrying too much weight, a Defense Department official told USNI News.”

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“The investigation report makes clear that no one was at fault in the incident and that all three personnel died in the line of duty and not due to misconduct,” concluded military officials.
This is not the first incident involving an Osprey crash. Three weeks ago, five Marines died when one crashed during a training mission on Wednesday near Glamis, California.

“We mourn the loss of our Marines in this tragic mishap. Our hearts go out to their families and friends as they cope with this tragedy,” said Maj. Gen. Bradford J. Gering about the sad incident, commanding general of 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing.
It’s hard watching any video like that, but especially knowing that our men and women are on board that thing. Remember to give thanks to all the men and women that sacrifice their lives for this country. Say a prayer in the comments below for all of them. Thanks.