As prices are skyrocketing across the country Americans are fleeing to Mexico in order to get cheaper food and gas.
With historic inflation hitting the United States and the cost of every item going up, southern Californians are fleeing to Mexico for their everyday grocery shopping and fuel purchases.
CenLA Now writes. U.S. food prices have risen for the seventh consecutive month. California bargain hunters are shopping like never before in Tijuana. The popular Mercado Hidalgo has seen a 20 to 30% increase in American tourism during the week.
It’s easy to see why when you consider the cost. The cost of a gallon of milk is 50% less than in the U.S., a four-pack of toilet paper is nearly $4 cheaper, and a 24-pack of Tylenol is also $1 less.
Gas is $1.24 cheaper than in California, so many aren’t worried about the cost to get there. According to AAA, the average price of regular gasoline in California is $5.38 per gallon as of Thursday.
Everything seems to be more expensive in California compared to the rest of the country. But when it comes to crossing the border into Mexico, California is not the only state with this massive surge of residents fleeing to Mexico for cheaper products.
According to News Nation. Some people might drive to the station in the next neighborhood over, or even the next city, if they want cheaper gas prices. Due to the rapid rise in gas prices, some Texas drivers have headed south of the border to fill up their tanks. Long lines of American cars have been seen at Mexican gas stations. Gas is sold by the liter in Mexico. In Mexico, a liter costs more than 16 pesos, or about $3 a gallon, or $1.15 less than in the U.S.
Californians are driving HOURS to Mexico for groceries and gas.
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) August 11, 2022
“It’s much cheaper to do it down here — everything is a lot cheaper down in Mexico.”
Regardless of what the White House wants to call this we are in a recession, coupled with crippling inflation. The fact that Americans have to travel to Mexico to find food and fuel at a cheaper price, just so they can survive in today’s economy, is shocking. Let’s not forget that just a few months ago when there was a baby food shortage, and nobody could find formula to feed their children, people fled to Mexico to find baby food. This Administration needs to get its act together immediately.