That’s right, Mr. Lemon got squeezed out again. CNN’s Don Lemon is used to being the star of the show, but, as we previously reported CNN demoted him to a supporting role. And now things just got even worse for Lemon. He’s going to cry racism when he learns an old white guy got the Primetime slot he was eyeing. Get the popcorn ready!
The Daily Mail writes, Jake Tapper will take over Chris Cuomo’s old 9pm primetime slot at CNN, the latest in a series of sweeping changes being implemented by the network as it looks to shed its liberal image.
You know Lemon dreamed of taking the top spot. Jake Tapper, an Old White Guy, was chosen over him instead.
Starting October 10 and continuing until November 11, Tapper, the outlet’s lead Washington anchor, will anchor the hallowed timeslot through this year’s midterm elections.
Despite being temporary, the job, which Cuomo held before he was nixed for helping his brother Andrew through his sexual misconduct scandal, may become permanent if Tapper attracts viewers.
This all comes after, as we previously reported, CNN’s new CEO announced that the network would remove Don Lemon from his prime-time slot and cancel Don Lemon Tonight.
Twitter users, surprisingly, were not happy with the shakeup considering Tapper would be taking over the new slot instead of Lemon.
One Twitter user wrote, “@CNN it’s crazy that they gave this guy this time slot. He sold his soul for this new ceo. Gross. On to msnbc.”
Another tweeted, “Boycott CNN”
And another person said, “I won’t be watching as I abhor #FoxLicht and Jake Tapper after watching CNN for 40 years. Expect coverage of Democrats to be negative, and more Biden bashing.”
The announcement is less than 24 hour after Lemon got brutally schooled on reparations in a clip that has gone viral worldwide:
— Raheem J. Kassam (@RaheemKassam) September 20, 2022
Poor Don Lemon. He was passed over for the primetime spot yet again, this time in favor of an old white guy. But don’t worry, Don, there’s still plenty of room for you at CNN. They can’t fire you outright, I mean they wouldn’t want to be called racist right? They’ll always find a spot for you there, but while you’re still there, maybe you can learn a thing or two from Jake Tapper – after all, he just got promoted to one of the most coveted positions in cable news. So turn that frown upside down and make lemonade out of those lemons – you still have a job, unlike poor Chris Cuomo.