It is not racist if a Democrat says something that would normally get any Republican canceled instantaneously
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It seems like every week Democrats or leftist outlets will say something that is so blatantly racist, yet no one calls out the people for doing that. Now flip the table and if a Republican is wearing the wrong color shirt, they will instantly have marches in the street against them. Now as the Senate race heats up in Ohio, Democrats are smearing the Republican candidate’s wife, for being a different race than JD Vance.
Town Hall reports. Ohio Republican Senate candidate J.D. Vance‘s campaign accused the state’s largest newspaper of racism Wednesday after it published a political cartoon mocking his opposition to the Cleveland Guardians baseball team changing their name from the Indians.

The city’s Plain Dealer newspaper ran the cartoon by Jeff Darcy last week showing Vance standing next to his Democratic opponent, Rep. Tim Ryan, on a debate stage clad in San Francisco Giants gear. The Cartoon stated “Only Indians name change I support is my wife’s to ‘Senator J.D. Vance’s Spouse”
Now the Vance team did not take this sitting down, as attacks were thrown not just at him but his wife. Which is usually taboo for any political campaign.
NY Post reports.

In a statement, Vance chief strategist Jai Chabria called on the Plain Dealer to “condemn their actions immediately, or perhaps this racism is OK because it’s against a Republican.” Chabria continued “I’m a first-generation Indian American and my immigrant parents taught me to love this country as much as they do, which is why I’ve never been one to bring race into the conversation,” Chabria said. “However, the Cleveland Plain Dealer’s woke editors published a cartoon that explicitly encourages bigotry against Indian women by perpetuating a stereotype.”
The recent actions of the Democrat-aligned newspaper, The Plain Dealer, are disgusting and uncalled for. In their attack on a political candidate’s wife, they made blatantly racist remarks towards minorities. This level of racism has no place in society, let alone in our political system. Can you imagine if a Republican outlet had made these same remarks? The outcry would be overwhelming and rightfully so. The woke mobs would be attacking them, Chase would close their bank accounts, and paypal would fine them $2500 for misinformation. Yet somehow the Democrats continue to get away with this kind of behavior. We need to stand up and denounce this type of racism, no matter which political party is responsible. Let us not allow our country to be further divided by hate – it is time to come together and disavow any discriminatory behavior in all its forms.Let’s continue this conversation, in the comments below.