It was a glorious moment to see Hillary called out for trying to pass off a video. With the Internet fact checkers absent on this one it was up to one woman to make it known to Hillary in a very public setting.
In next month’s election, Californians will have the opportunity to vote on Proposition 1, which would expressly add a woman’s right to reproductive freedom to the state’s constitution – code for the right to terminate her pregnancy up to birth.
The Western Journal reports, a campaign to promote Prop 1 is co-chaired by Hillary Clinton and California Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom.
Clinton posted a Twitter campaign advertisement from the group last week. In the video, a young woman is seen crying on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court building in Washington, D.C., moments after the reversal of Roe v. Wade was announced on June 24. The word “SAD” appears over her image in the clip. The intended message, of course, is that she was overcome with emotion because American women would soon lose their right to reproductive freedom.
No matter where a person lives or how much money they have, women—not politicians—should be able to make decisions about their own lives. That includes abortion care and miscarriage management.
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) October 18, 2022
Californians should vote YES on Prop. 1 to protect fundamental rights. #yesonprop1
However, there was a problem with the advertisement. It was Macy Petty, a pro-life activist who was in fact crying tears of joy over Roe v. Wade’s repeal.

She posted the ad on Twitter with the caption, “Hey Hillary, I’m the girl crying in this video. I am pro-life and those are HAPPY tears because I just witnessed a MIRACLE!”
In a separate post, Petty explained, “In the full video, it is obvious I am crying tears of joy upon the announcement of the Dobbs decision. I am holding a ‘Students for Life’ banner and am with friends who are also holding pro-life signs.”
. @HillaryClinton @GavinNewsom #prolife
— Macy Petty (@macypetty0416) October 20, 2022
“You selected the portion in which I fell to my knees in tears. At this moment, I witnessed a miracle,” she wrote. “As I continued to witness history, I pondered how lucky I was to witness such an event. I thanked the Lord for this decision and for opening my eyes to the evil of abortion. That is what brought me to tears.”
“Could you not find an early 20-year-old who was truly sad about the Dobbs decision,” she asked.
She demanded that Clinton and Newsom remove her from the video immediately.
So, in an updated video , the clip of Petty was replaced with that of another distraught young woman, presumably one who was truly upset by the Supreme Court’s decision.
Californians have the chance to explicitly add the right to an abortion and contraceptives directly into the state constitution. This can only happen by voting #YESonprop1
— Vote Yes on Prop 1 – Protect Abortion Rights CA (@yesonprop1ca) October 23, 2022
Share this with friends & family and make sure to vote #YESonprop1 !