Talk about embarrassing. Imagine being so bad at your job that your own paid staffers come out and endorse your opponent weeks before the election.
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Some would argue that only Trump can draw more support nationally than Florida Governor Ron Desantis in the Republican party. However, he faces stiff opposition in the heated race for Florida Governor. Despite Charlie Crist’s spending spree, there is one major problem; he was so bad at his job before that his own paid staff refuses to support him.
Townhall reports. Dozens of former gubernatorial candidate Charlie Crist staffers and colleagues have turned their backs on him by endorsing his opponent Gov. Ron DeSantis.
A group of Republican figures signed a letter unanimously supporting the Florida governor, saying that their choice could not be more clear.

Florida’s Voice tweeted. “ Former colleagues and staff of Charlie Crist in his previous elected positions have signed a letter unanimously endorsing Ron DeSantis for re-election

The letter reads. Together, we have known Charlie in virtually all phases of his career and public life… we are well-qualified to endorse in the Florida Governor’s race because we have significant experience in public service to the state of Florida. The choice this November could not be more clear: we unanimously endorse Governor Ron DeSantis for re-election,
From one bad scene to another, Charlie Christ is just not having a good week!
The Daily Wire writes, DeSantis ripped Crist during the debate after Crist repeatedly attempted to make speculation about DeSantis running for president in 2024 a topic of discussion.
"I know Charlie wants to talk about 2024 and Joe Biden, but let me be clear: The only worn-out old donkey I want to put out to pasture is @CharlieCrist." – @RonDeSantisFL 🐐
— DeSantis War Room 🐊 #FloridaStrong (@DeSantisWarRoom) October 24, 2022
Just Brutal.
In what has to be one of the most embarrassing moments for a politician in recent memory, former Charlie Crist staffers have come out and endorsed his opponent, Ron DeSantis. This is a clear sign that Crist is in over his head and is not fit to lead Florida.
DeSantis has been an incredible leader for Florida, and under his leadership the state has flourished. He has raised more money for his political operation than any other governor in U.S. history. Crist, on the other hand, is a career politician who has spent his entire life pandering to special interests. He is a liar and a fraud, and he does not deserve the support of the people of Florida.
This election is critical for the future of our state, and I urge everyone to vote for Ron DeSantis. He is a proven leader who will continue to make Florida the best state in the country.
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