Kathy Hochul Gets BAD NEWS of the End of Her Career After New Data Points to the Exit Door

It looks like the polls are finally starting to reflect what we’ve all known for a long time. Lee Zeldin is going to be the next Governor of New York.

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We’re covering the latest news update on the race for Governor in New York. A new poll just released shows that Lee Zeldin has taken a commanding lead over Kathy Hochul. With just days to go before election day, it looks like Zeldin is going to pull off an upset victory.

Townhall resorts, As Election Day approaches, Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) continues to gain momentum in his bid for New York governor. The Trafalgar Group released a poll on Monday showing Zeldin with 48.4 percent to Hochul’s 47.6 percent. There are still four percent of voters who are undecided.

A total of 1,198 likely general election voters were surveyed from October 27-31, with a margin of error of plus or minus 2.9 percent. In spite of Zeldin’s narrow lead and margin of error, the Republican nominee shows a post-debate bump. 

New Yorkers favored Zeldin 42.6 percent to Hochul 44.5 percent, according to a Trafalgar poll from late September-early October. 9.7 percent were undecided at the time. 

During October’s heated debate between the two candidates, Lee Zeldin took aim at Kathy Hochuls’ record on crime and showed that she is not fit to continue as the governor of New York.

According to Zeldin, New York’s streets need to be safer again, crime needs to be reduced, immigration needs to be handled, abortion laws shouldn’t be changed, and crime should be dealt with.

Hochul was also criticized by Zeldin for believing that all crimes are committed with guns.

As for the post-debate bump, Hochul did not help herself by coming across as quite dismissive of crime, which polls show is New Yorkers’ top issue. In her remarks on MSNBC’s “PoliticsNation,” she seemed to double down on her tone-deafness. According to The New York Post, the governor not only defended Zeldin’s claim that he is an “election denier,” but also claimed that those who are raising crime issues are “data deniers”.

Sorry Kathy, the only one denying data is you.

In other good news for Zeldin, according to Friday’s fundraising numbers, Zeldin raised more than Hochul and is close to tying on cash.

It looks like the polls are finally starting to reflect what we’ve all known for a long time. With just days to go before election day, it looks like Zeldin is going to pull off an upset victory. He is a true conservative fighter who will make New York great again. So if you’re fed up with the Democrats’ do nothing agenda and live in New York, vote for Zeldin and help turn New York red! If you live outside of New York, still make sure to vote Republican up and down the ballot in order to make the entire country great again!

Let’s continue this conversation, in the comments below.

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  • I am hoping and praying that these DemoKKKrat communists/socialists who occupy ANY Public office are voted OUT for not FULFILLING their SWORN Oath of Office to Defend and Protect OUR American Constitution for which they have ABDICATED which also applies to Legal Law Abiding American Citizens.

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