Looks like Fetterman knows he is losing on key issues in his Senate race as he does a complete 180 on one of his previous core issues.
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Fetterman has been accepted as a masterful wordsmith, and an excellent campaigner by the left. Those of us on the right, know better. But now he is making a complete change on one of his biggest liberal stances, just to pander and get more votes.
Daily caller writes. CNN host Don Lemon did a little bit of actual reporting when he confronted Democratic Lt. Gov. John Fetterman of Pennsylvania over past opposition to fracking Tuesday morning.
Let’s see this spectacle.
While Fetterman can show up on national television and spit lies about his past attempts to ban fracking in his state, we the people know who the real candidate is in the race.
Red state reports. The Pennsylvania senate campaign of Democrat John Fetterman is reeling following his debate performance. I cannot possibly convey just how bad it was in words if you missed it.
Never fear, though. Rolling Stone describes Fetterman’s ambitious wife as the “de facto” candidate and is making media appearances to save the day. She appeared on a show called “Politicon” on Thursday to discuss supposed ableism and racism in pools. It’s the down-to-earth stuff voters are desperately seeking answers to.
Gisele Fetterman on her husband needing closed captioning to understand what people are saying:
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) October 27, 2022
"Most people use accommodations on some level whether that's how bright you keep your phone when you're reading… Maybe it's something we need to normalize." pic.twitter.com/hNzeh81Gwm
For a candidate to flip flop on issues when the polls are close is commonplace in America. If it was for genuine reasons like an honest change of opinion it could be excused, but when candidates like Fetterman do it just to get votes it is seeking. America is in a fuel crisis and the position that the Biden administration put the people in when he banned fracking is just utterly ridiculous. now , the people of Pennsylvania have a clear choice coming in a few days, do they want a senator who cannot even form his own opinions, or do they want a true leader who will put America first.
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