This is a breaking news report. Biden’s Education department made an announcement that the student loan forgiveness program will be halted after two consecutive court losses. We have the details.
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The Biden administration has been running into legal roadblocks with its student loan forgiveness program, and as such they have made a crucial decision about how to move forward. After last week’s court blocking the Department of Education’s (DoE) ability to take effect; it is no longer accepting applications for loans being forgiven through this process effective immediately.
Conservative Brief reports, President Joe Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan was struck down by a Trump-appointed federal judge in Texas last Thursday. In his opinion, United States District Judge Pittman stated:
“In this country, we are not ruled by an all-powerful executive with a pen and a phone. Instead, we are ruled by a Constitution that provides for three distinct and independent branches of government….And having interpreted the HEROES Act, the Court holds that it does not provide ‘clear congressional authorization’ for the Program proposed by the Secretary,”
The Job Creators Network Foundation, which brought the lawsuit, praised the decision. Elaine Parker, President of the organization stated, “The court has correctly ruled in favor of our motion and deemed the Biden student loan program illegal. The judge criticized the Biden Administration program, calling it ‘one of the largest exercises of legislative power without congressional authority in the history of the United States.’ This ruling protects the rule of law which requires all Americans to have their voices heard by their federal government.”
After the ruling, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre tweeted that the US Justice Department had filed an appeal.

“We strongly disagree with the District Court’s ruling on our student debt relief program and the Department of Justice has filed an appeal. @POTUS and this Administration are determined to help working and middle-class Americans get back on their feet, while our opponents – backed by extreme Republican special interests – sued to block millions of Americans from getting much-needed relief,”
Biden has been stopped yet again in another one of his unconstitutional actions. This time, it’s the student loan forgiveness program that has been halted after two consecutive court losses. This is a huge abuse of power by the Biden administration, and it’s great news for everyone who was against this program. It’s clear that Biden is only interested in doing what’s best for himself and his cronies, and not what’s best for the American people. Thanks to these court rulings, we can all rest assured that this program will not be going into effect anytime soon.
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