The left really does live in some fairy tale, or at best an alternate reality fairy tale with made up facts and misinformation.
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The left plays by their own set of rules, any of us on the right clearly know that. But for people who constantly call out the right for putting out “bad info:” they seem to intentionally do just that on an increasingly frequent basis.
According to media outlets. Host Mehdi Hassan recently claimed that the House Democrats never investigated the Trump family. Here’s a question for him. Have the Democrats ever stopped investigating Trump and his family? Trump has been out of office for two years and Democrats are STILL trying to investigate him.
“The Mehdi Hasan Show” host attacked the investigation into the Biden family because, he claimed, House Democrats “didn’t do this for the Trump family,” while also appearing to take a swipe at outgoing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Mehdi Hasan tweed “Be as mad as you like about House Republicans kicking off day one after winning the House with a massive investigation into the Biden family but also ask yourself why House Democrats didn’t do this for *the Trump family*. Ask yourself this on the day Pelosi is retiring btw,”

Nathan Dahm tweeted a reply “You could “ask yourself why” or you could do a quick internet search to discover that House Democrats DID this for the Trump family. If only there was a group of people who’s job it was to report such facts to the people…once again fake news proving they are enemy of the people.”

Brad Slager tweeted “Uh, Mehdi? The Democrats most certainly investigated Trump’s family. Just like today, it was the first thing they embarked on after gaining power after the 2018 midterms.Sorry you missed it all…” He also included some easily searchable articles that highlighted the investigations launched against the Trump Family.
Liberal heads will explode when they find out that Facebook might be letting Trump back on the platform, and they are reversing a policy on Trump’s political speech.
Thanks to Donald Trump’s announcement of a run for the White House, Facebook will have to stop fact-checking him. It is apparently now against Facebook’s policy to fact-check anything Trump says, according to a memo the company sent out.
This is an ironic announcement given that 2 years ago Zuckerberg claimed Social networks should not fact-check politicians.
CNN reported. Facebook and Instagram’s parent company Meta pays third-party fact-checking organizations to label misinformation.
Although Trump is currently banned from Facebook, the fact-check ban applies to anything Trump says, and so-called false statements made by him can be posted by others.
The carve-out applies to all politicians, not just Trump. Meta’s “news integrity partnership” team emailed fact-checkers on Tuesday before Trump’s announcement.
It is clear from Tuesday’s memo from Meta that social media platforms must decide how to handle another potential Trump campaign.
According to the memo, political speech is not eligible for fact-checking. It includes the words a politician speaks as well as photos, videos, or other content clearly identifying the politician or their campaign.
Leave it to the left to intentionally put out bad information, it’s not like other liberal news outlets will raise hell trying to get them to recant the information! But more likely they know what they are saying is intentionally false, and they are counting on their liberal elite status to protect them from any sort of major backlash from their intentional efforts to undermine what they all collectively hate. Further it is actually good news coming out of Facebook for once in relation to the possibility that Trump will be back on the platform, and he will not be restricted in his ability to spread the truth.
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