Ted Cruz is going all out in his attempts to save America from 11 Million illegal immigrants from doing something only American citizens can do.
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We have all known what the left’s ultimate goal was with their open border agendas, and the push to have as many illegal immigrants coming across the border as they can. Now it is out there in the wide open, as their ultimate plan was just revealed.
Fox news reported. Sen. Ted Cruz introduced a new bill that would prohibit Washington, D.C., from using federal funds to allow illegal immigrants to vote in elections. The D.C. City Council voted 12-1 last month to advance a bill that would allow non-citizens to vote in local elections. The bill says that if noncitizens are otherwise qualified to vote, they can do so in local elections as long as they have resided in D.C. for at least 30 days.
The bill from Cruz, R-Texas, would prohibit the District of Columbia from using any federal funds to carry out the decision to let non-citizens vote.

Ted Cruz stated in an interview “Voting is a distinct right and privilege that American citizens enjoy in the United States. It is a responsibility, not to be treated lightly, and it must be protected”
Cruz continued “ Voters decide not only who will lead our country, our cities and communities, but also how our tax dollars should be spent and what policies we should adopt, Even the Washington Post agrees that non-citizen voting is a terrible idea. Allowing non-citizens and illegal immigrants to vote in our elections opens our country up to foreign influence, and allows those who are openly violating U.S. law or even working for hostile foreign governments to take advantage and direct our resources against our will.”
This move came after Schumer went on the record flip flopping on his illegal immigration stance.
Fox News reported. Democrats and immigration activists are attempting to make one last push for citizenship for illegal immigrants before they lose control of the chamber in the upcoming Congress, which begins in January.
During a press conference on Tuesday, Democrats called for a pathway to citizenship for recipients of the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which protects illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. as minors. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, however, emphasized that Democrats’ ultimate goal is to amnesty all illegal immigrants.
Well Chuck, maybe one solution for the declining population crisis would be to stop abortions, or maybe promote what a healthy family is and encourage millennials to have children. Which is the exact opposite of what they have been doing for decades in this country. The left wants the illegal immigrant vote as they know it will be overwhelmingly Democrat, which would make tight local races near impossible to win for Republicans in the future. It appears they are stacking every card in the deck with their ultimate plan of complete control, and alienation of the entirety of the conservative party. Is it 2024 yet, we need Trump in office stat, or everything will be lost.
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