It looks like Texas is about to get a lot less crowded! In a new effort to deter migrants from entering the state, Governor Greg Abbott has announced a new policy that involves heavy-duty, not-to-mess-around-with military equipment.
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Gov. Greg Abbott’s administration has directed the state’s military to send tank-like vehicles to 10 spots on the international boundary after declaring an “invasion” at the Texas-Mexico border.

Texas Military Department officials told the Washington Examiner on Monday that the Texas National Guard will deploy 10 M113 Armored Personnel Carriers to the southern border soon.
Additionally, the state will increase aircraft flights over certain regions, though the department did not specify how many flights or helicopters will be dispatched.
“These actions are part of a larger strategy to use every available tool to fight back against the record-breaking level of illegal immigration,” the Military Department said in a statement. ”The Texas National Guard is taking unprecedented measures to safeguard our border and to repel and turn-back immigrants trying to cross the border illegally.”

On Twitter, Governor Abbott wrote, “Texas Military Department service members work side by side with the Texas Department of Public Safety & other law enforcement to stop illegal activities from crossing the Texas-Mexico border. Thank you for keeping our state safe.”
Last week was the first time in modern history that a state declared an “invasion” at its border with Mexico, allowing it to defend itself because the federal government failed to protect its citizens.

“I invoked the Invasion Clauses of the U.S. & Texas Constitutions to fully authorize Texas to take unprecedented measures to defend our state against an invasion,” Abbott said in a statement Tuesday. “I’m using that constitutional authority, & other authorization & Executive Orders to keep our state & country safe.”

Additionally, Abbott listed bullet points of initiatives that the state of Texas had commenced over the past year and a half, including deploying Texas National Guard and Texas state troopers to the border, returning some illegal immigrants to ports of entry for expulsion to Mexico, and building a border wall.

It’s about time somebody did something to secure our borders! I applaud Governor Abbott for his efforts to station military vehicles at the border. This will send a clear message to illegal migrants that they are not welcome in Texas or the U.S. in general. Our border security is a national issue, and it’s time for the federal government to take action. God bless Governor Abbott for taking matters into his own hands and doing what’s right for the people of Texas and for all American citizens.
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