Gavin Newsom escalates his war on Natural Gas. This time he’s going after natural gas wells in a full scale attack. This man is proving to be the demise of California.
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For years, California has been a thorn in the side of the oil and gas industry. But this time, they may have gone too far. They’ve launched a full scale attack on natural gas wells, and it’s putting thousands of jobs at risk. Join me as I take a closer look at what’s happening in California.
The Post Millennial reports, The Los Angeles city council voted unanimously on Friday to ban new oil wells and phase out all existing ones, ending the city’s long association with oil.
The council voted 12-0 to ban all new oil and gas extraction while giving existing wells 20 years to cease production.

The California Independent Petroleum Association, which represents over 300 independent crude oil and natural gas producers, feels the announcement comes as a blow at a time when the reliance on foreign oil from nefarious regimes is growing. Compared with the increased oil tanker traffic that will be seen in the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, the environmental consequences of oil production are minimal.
The group stated in a letter to the La Council “The South Coast Air Quality Management District has identified oil tankers as one of the major sources of air pollution in the LA Basin,” additionally the group was disputing claims that drilling and production operations had “detrimental health effects.”
At what seemed to look like a pro- Planned parenthood gathering, Gavin Newsom thought it clever to criticize those who opposed his climate agenda.
There are a number of reasons why we shouldn’t phase out an exuberant amount of natural gas producers: phasing out such a large number will put more demands on the few remaining companies, as well as the fact that a major state like California can’t depend exclusively on renewable energy.
Politico reported in September that California’s power grid nearly collapsed this summer during an epic heat wave, and its governor defended the state’s climate policies as nation-leading.
Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom said renewable energy kept the lights on in California.
Newsom said at a Clinton Global Initiative event in September, describing that month’s scorcher to dignitaries gathered in New York City for Climate Week at the U.N. “Went right up to the edge of breaking our grid, but it didn’t. This transition worked.”
As it turns out, however, things were a lot messier in reality.

Officials and experts say California’s decision to delay the closure of its last nuclear plant and to extend the life of some natural gas-fired facilities illustrates that the state’s energy goals are still far from being met.
Since Newsom became governor in 2018, he has been actively trying to change the great state of California. In his short time as governor, he has radicalized the state like never before, from education to climate to energy. A state like California is not ready for a complete transition to renewable energy, but the man is hell-bent on achieving the impossible, with no regard to the people it will affect. His policies have already caused power outages and higher utility bills for Californians, and his obsession with renewable energy will only make things worse. It’s time for Californians to wake up and demand that Newsom start governing in a way that benefits all of them, not just his globalist donors.
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