BREAKING NEWS: An Epstein victim has vowed to release video tapes showing elites engaging in deplorable acts with children. If these videos came out, it would change the game and possibly reshape global political and social landscapes. In response to breaking reports in court documents of what could potentially be released, prominent figures among the elite are already scrambling to deny any involvement or knowledge. It is yet to be seen what exactly these tapes contain but all signs point to an event that could rock our world, if it were made public.
Sarah Ransome’s mention of sex tapes made by Jeffrey Epstein is startling, if not shocking.
Not only this, but her testimony has changed everything – her deposition, released this week, states that she personally viewed footage of two wealthy associates engaging in sexual acts with a female victim.

This could give rise to the long-held belief that powerful men like Epstein were using hidden videos to blackmail their friends and peers.

I say expose the elite scum for who they are! It was a clever move on Epstein’s part – as none of the tapes feature him – as testified by Ransome, yet it will still haunt her for the rest of her life. To ensure no one else falls prey to this sort of manipulation again, Ransome reveals she has copies of this incriminating footage stored in secure European locations, just in case anything were to happen to her.

Before I get to the details. In July Accusers Elizabeth Stein and Sarah Ransome reacted to the Ghilane Maxwell sentencing.
Daily Mail UK reports, Sarah Ransome’s newly released deposition has rekindled allegations that Alan Dershowitz abused underage girls.

In a deposition taken as part of a lawsuit filed by Virginia Giuffre against Epstein’s one-time girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell, Ransome claimed she had seen footage of two of Epstein’s associates having sex with a female.

According to her, she was forced into a threesome with Dershowitz and an unidentified woman.

Despite allegations of abuse, Dershowitz denies it. In an interview with the Daily Beast, he said: ‘Let me be very clear—I have had sex with one woman since the day I met my wife.”
Originally from South Africa, Ransome moved to Scotland at 14. She was then recruited by Epstein to model in New York.

She says Epstein, ‘used my education as a way for me to trade my soul to the devil and become a sex slave to pay for my studies’.
Although the college placement never materialized, Ransome claims that if she did not agree to have sex with Epstein, he would stop supporting her, leaving her penniless and with no chance of success.

Newly unsealed documents include emails sent by Ransome explaining the tapes’ existence.
According to Ransome: ‘When my friend had sexual intercourse with (redacted) and (redacted), sex tapes were in fact filmed on each occasion by Jeffrey.’
‘Thank God she managed to get ahold of some footage of the filmed sex tapes which clearly identify the faces of (redacted) and (redacted) having sexual intercourse with her’.
As a result of the friend sending Ransome some of the footage ‘implicating’ both men, Ransome writes that she has seen with ‘ my own two eyes the evidence of these sexual acts’.
Ransome says: ‘I will be more than willing to swear under oath and testify in court over these sex tapes….it will break your heart into a million tiny pieces when you watch this footage.’
Ransome claims that she has backed up the footage on several USB sticks across Europe.
According to Ransome, only one other person knows where the footage is located ‘in case anything happens to me before the footage is released’.
Sarah Ransome’s bombshell emails about the existence of tapes showing powerful elites enacting deplorable acts on children have been unsealed this week, making headlines all around the world. This could change everything, as the release of this footage would certainly reshape and rock the political landscape. I say this without doubt: these tapes must be made public. The world cannot turn away from this truth any longer; these so-called pillars of society should not be afforded this particular luxury. To expose these elite scum is nothing short of a moral obligation – we must hold them accountable for their abhorrent and deeply inhumane actions.
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