
Homeless Encampments in San Francisco Cannot be Removed

San Francisco has been a city on the edge of 3rd world status for a long time. Stemming from insane woke liberal policies that treat criminals with kiddie gloves, and no real plan of action to combat the mass homelessness problem, or the rampant drug use that is on literally every street in the city. Now when it looked like the city was going to do something about one of the problems, a federal judge stepped in and ended the campaign.

San Francisco has been a poster child of what a once proud city can become in a short few years when liberal ideology is allowed to reign supreme. Along with New York city, Chicago, New Orleans, Portland, and other major liberal strongholds there are massive crime problems, drugs, and tens of thousands of homeless people living on the streets. 

Daily wire reports, it is illegal to clear out homeless encampments in San Francisco since the city has not offered shelter to their residents, a federal judge ruled Friday.

The city had been conducting sweeps in which it took the tents and belongings of homeless people living in the tent cities until Magistrate Judge Donna Ryu in the U.S. District Court in Oakland granted an emergency order barring the action, the San Francisco Chronicle reported. The order was granted after a group of homeless plaintiffs sued to stop the city.

Mayor London Breed stated “Mayors cannot run cities this way, We already have too few tools to deal with the mental illness we see on our streets. Now we are being told not to use another tool that helps bring people indoors and keeps our neighborhoods safe and clean for our residents.”

To meet the city’s own laws, Judge Ryu said, San Francisco would need to add thousands of additional beds to shelter homeless people before clearing away their encampments. Ryu said the city regularly failed to offer shelter before clearing encampments and improperly seized or threw out residents’ belongings, including cell phones, medication, identification, and prosthetic limbs.

This news came when the city’s “family friendly” holiday park was littered with drug needles and homeless people. 

NY Post reports. San Francisco’s homelessness epidemic was underscored by footage of homeless people camped out around a “family-friendly” holiday market.

An individual is seen sleeping on the street outside Union Square’s Hallidie Plaza just outside the Winter Wonderland market with syringes scattered nearby in a 25-second video posted to Twitter on Thursday.

As two people dressed as snowmen and reindeer danced in the nearly empty plaza, two more people are seen on the outskirts of the open air market next to their possessions.


Clearly that was not a family friendly event. But further the City should have known their own rules, however if you begin building homes for the homeless, then more homeless will come. There will be a never ending flow of homeless people coming to the city if they make it more accommodating to that unfortunate situation, and they will never be out of the homeless problem. Address the issue at its core, train for new jobs, have drug counseling, and work to fix lives not apply bandages to the situation. 

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