With the recent shockwaves from President Trump’s tax returns, opinions are flying around on who should be the next now that republicans are in charge of the house. Republican voters aren’t stupid and millions are tired of the political attacks from the other party. Democrat lawmakers continue to overstep and it’s time someone else pays. It’s payback time.
A new poll conducted shows that an overwhelming majority of voters want Congressional Republicans to release the tax returns of all Democrats who voted to demand the release of President Trump’s tax documents. While their move to release trump’s records was clearly partisan , it appears that public opinion has shifted towards a more level playing field – similar rules should apply across party lines on issues like tax return disclosure. What do they have to lose?
American Look out reports, Democrats may regret releasing Trump’s tax returns, an unprecedented and vindictive move.
According to a new poll, most voters want these Democrats’ tax returns released.
There’s something to be said about payback, don’t you?
According to Breitbart, 63 percent of respondents approved of House Ways and Means Committee Democrats releasing six years of Trump’s tax returns, but most want the same to happen to those Democrats.
Here is what the survey asked. “Republicans will take control of the House of Representatives next year. Should Republicans in Congress release the federal tax returns of the Democrats who voted to release Trump’s tax returns?”
Rasmussen tweeted the response in an attempt to give Democrats a heart attack.

The tweet read: Payback Time? 54% Support Revenge for Releasing Trump’s Taxes.
Only 45 percent of Democrats want that to happen, whereas 63 percent and 53 percent of Republicans and independents, respectively, want Republicans to pursue that.
We wonder why Democrats don’t want transparency for all lawmakers. Trump proved he had nothing to hide with those released documents now it’s time we make sure those same lawmakers are stand up citizens too.
Especially when 79% of Democrats, 32% of Republicans, and 48% of independent voters approve of the Ways and Means committee releasing Trump’s tax returns.
Democrats seem to view their leaders as saints, and ignore any wrongdoings that may be revealed; Republicans, on the other hand, know all too well that their leaders are far from saints. This discrepancy between parties is a prime opportunity for us to evaluate which politicians are truly honorable, and which may have something to hide. President Trump’s financial records have been under scrutiny in recent months, but who on the left can say the same? When people want to hold others accountable, they open themselves up for the same treatment. Play liberal games, win stupid prizes.
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