The election of 2024 is already gaining buzz with the announcement that this progressive Democrat has thrown her hat into the ring to challenge an establishment career politician. Unfortunately, this is in a state once regarded as great until Gavin Newscom came in. Nonetheless,this would certainly be a victory to retire one of the oldest serving congresswomen.
Progressive Democrat, Katie Porter, has announced her bid for Dianne Feinstein’s California Senate seat. While some may think the 89-year-old senator can still hold her own in the political landscape, it may be time to retire the old hag and allow someone new take the reins. It would surely be a dream to see a conservative gun for that position as Porter isn’t that popular or liked but, if a district like Feinstein has voted for her for all these decades, we would need a miracle.
Daily Wire Reports, Katie Porter (D-CA) has announced her intention to run for the U.S. Senate in 2024. She plans to run for a seat that has not yet been vacated by Dianne Feinstein, forcing the 89-year-old into a contested primary.
The congresswoman announced with a video ad on Tuesday, along with a caption that read, “California needs a warrior in the Senate—to stand up to special interests, fight the dangerous imbalance in our economy, and hold so-called leaders like Mitch McConnell accountable for rigging our democracy. Today, I’m proud to announce my candidacy for the U.S. Senate in 2024.”
California needs a warrior in the Senate—to stand up to special interests, fight the dangerous imbalance in our economy, and hold so-called leaders like Mitch McConnell accountable for rigging our democracy.
— Katie Porter (@katieporteroc) January 10, 2023
Today, I'm proud to announce my candidacy for the U.S. Senate in 2024.
Recently, Porter has been in the news following reports of her berating a staffer who had inadvertently infected her with the you know what. Despite her apology, Porter allegedly said, “Well you gave me Covid. In 25 months, it took you not following the rules to get me sick. My children have nobody to care for them,”
Texts of their conversation were leaked to the public.
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In the recent fight to elect a new Speaker, Porter raised eyebrows when she was photographed reading a book called “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F***.”
For the seat Porter is targeting, Senator Feinstein has announced she intends to complete her current term in the Senate and has not yet decided whether she will run again in 2024.
Feinstein’s response to Porter’s announcement was brief, saying she was preoccupied by the devastating storms that still ravaged California and would consider the next election later.
U.S. Senator Diane Feinstein has been re-elected several times over the decades in California, a testament to her long-standing principles and dedication to her constituents. Despite such longevity of service, it is hardly surprising to conservatives that she might decide to retire or be defeated against a much younger radical progressive, given the tendencies of Californians towards liberalism. Furthermore, many identify Katie Porter as an extreme example of progressive ideology which is likely why liberal Californians might switch their allegiance. After all, Democrats in California do love to live in their own misery. However, most importantly, Career politicians on both sides must go and retiring Diane would certainly be a start.
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