L.A. has a new political star, he has charisma, charm and fame. He believes he is the golden ticket to catapult this city back on track. He’s already making his way in the political circles, as if summoned to do so, and while everyone is skeptical that he’s in over his head – nobody can deny the wave of euphoria he’s left with his announcement.
After charming television audiences for nearly a decade as Cory Matthews on the hit show “Boy Meets World,” Ben Savage is taking on a new challenge–politics. The Hollywood star has filed paperwork indicating that he plans to hop into the race if current Democratic Representative Adam Schiff decides to run for Senator Dianne Feinstein’s seat in the Senate. Should Savage manage to secure a place in Congress, it would be an unprecedented move in both his career and U.S. politics. But will that happen? That’s for L.A democrats to decide…
Daily Wire reports, “Boy Meets World” star Ben Savage has filed paperwork indicating his interest in running for congress.
According to reports, Savage is considering running for the 30th district of the California House of Representatives if Representative Adam Schiff runs for Senator Dianne Feinstein’s seat.
“Ben Savage for Congress” documentation was filed with the Federal Election Commission on Wednesday. In his filing, he declared himself a Democrat.

A tweet from CATargetBot along with a report from Rob Pyers of California Target Book reportedly broke the news that Savage was possibly running for Schiff’s seat.
In November, Savage ran for local office to serve on the L.A. City Council. Fox LA reported the news but the report itself showcased a major hurdle he would have to overcome because of his childhood fame.
As you can tell, people are having a hard time taking him seriously which is something that comes with his fame.
Despite his best efforts, Savage finished seventh, securing 6.32% of the vote. When he ran for office, he had lived in West Hollywood for eighteen years. Which could be his best vantage point.
If reports of Adam Schiff running for the Senate are true, we must be vigilant. In light of all the damage he has caused this country, he should be the last person to be elected to the Senate.
Politico reported in November that Representative Adam Schiff would not be seeking a leadership role in the House of Representatives. Instead, he was thinking about running for the Senate.
Although Senator Feinstein has not announced her retirement, at least two Democratic congresswomen are running for her seat, perhaps hoping she will end her political career. Katie Porter and Barbara Lee have both announced they will run for the California Senate seat.
It is understandable why Ben Savage may want to jump into reality and try his luck at politics, but running as a democrat of all things in California’s notoriously corrupt House of Representatives district can only be described as an ambitious gamble. His recent failed attempt at city-council also does not bode well for the feasibility of his congressional aspirations. It appears he may be trying to gain back relevance by joining the political scene, yet doing so without any relevant experience or regulation-worthy track record bodes ill for both him and the Californian constituency. The area needs real leaders instead of actors who come in with search engine popularity as their selling point; otherwise it runs the risk of descending again into its usual fate. Surely, running as a democrat will surely not solve anything in Adam Schiff’s corrupt district.
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