Hunter Biden’s reported earnings of $375,000 for five pieces of artwork is more than five times the national average salary of an American artist, raising several red flags and prompting many to ask questions.
So, was money laundering involved? Were classified documents provided in exchange? Was it backed by money from China or a drug-induced art sale scandal? When it comes to Hunter Biden, nothing is off the table.

Breitbart reports, Hunter Biden’s reported artwork earnings of $375,000, after painting five pieces, are five times the average salary of an American artist.
According to Indeed, an artist’s average base salary is $73,013. Hunter sold five paintings to anonymous buyers for $75,000 each in 2021, according to reports. After critics raised concerns Hunter sold art solely because he is the president’s son, it’s unclear if Hunter sold any art in 2022.
James Comer (R-KY), chair of the House Oversight Committee, told Breitbart News in 2022 that he is “95 percent sure” the buyers of Hunter’s art are Chinese.
While congress is set to investigate the shady art dealings, Hunter Biden continues to get praise for his work.
NY Post reports, one day after being slapped with a sales-record demand from House Republicans alleging influence-peddling, Hunter Biden’s art dealer Georges Berges praised the novice’s works.

Despite declining to provide documents and answer questions as requested by House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.), the gallery owner praised Hunter’s work for representing the “unrelenting divinity within each of us” in an effusive statement to The Post on Thursday..”
A 52-year-old recovering crack addict who earned millions through overseas business ventures that often involved his father, Hunter was described by Berges as “one of the most consequential artists in this century.”
Berges went on to state “I represent Hunter Biden because I feel that not only his art merits my representation, but because his personal narrative, which gives birth to his art, is very much needed in the world,”
It certainly begs the question as to whether money laundering, drug-induced art or classified documents were utilized for Hunter Biden’s reported artwork earnings of $375,000 – over five times more than the American artist average salary. Allegations that money from China was involved in Hunter’s painting pursuits cannot be ignored, and a scandal of this magnitude is shocking. It remains to be seen whether Hunter’s sales happened simply because of his connections or had something else to do with it; however, one can’t help but feel angry at the prospect that money paid for the artwork was being used to bribe the President, and his son for favorable business dealings with China.
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