‘It’s Scary’: Tucker Carlson Warns of Biden-Induced Food Crisis

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 With our world crumbling before our eyes, many of the news stations are focusing on sunny visuals and a reality that completely dismisses what is actually happening. It seems as if those of us encountering the everyday struggles are the crazy ones unable to comprehend an alternate concept of “normal.” One news personality, however, bravely smokescreens these distractions. 

Fox News host Tucker Carlson blasted President Joe Biden on Monday for his handling of current food shortages in the United States. In particular, these problems were highlighted with a shortage of eggs, while Carlson made it clear that he feels Biden is “ignoring what really matters”. In spite of such criticism, however, Biden and his administration continue to search for no solutions to this growing crisis. While only making the problem worse by the second. The message has been loud and clear, we might as well get comfortable with this new normal. 

Daily Caller reports, Tucker Carlson ripped President Joe Biden on Monday over food shortages in the United States, citing a shortage of eggs, while adding that Biden was “ignoring what really matters.”

Although the White House offered no correction at the time, social media censored discussion of Biden’s comments, Carlson discussed “strange disasters” at various food processing plants, including plane crashes that shut down Georgia and Idaho plants.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine disrupted wheat exports from both countries, resulting in a 34% increase in food prices by May. Rice and milk prices continued to rise in December 2022, according to the Consumer Price Index.

After all these bizarre occurrences continued to happen, Tucker made a keen observation.

WRAL reported that some grocery stores have limited the number of eggs that can be purchased as eggs have become scarcer and more expensive. As a result of the latest avian flu outbreak, CBS News reported that over 58 million chickens died, causing chicken prices to increase by 60%.

According to Biden’s casual claim of a food shortage, all of this seems to be occurring as he claimed. Therefore, why aren’t they worried as the rest of the country is?

Here’s Tucker asking more of the right questions.

With the Biden Administration’s seeming knowledge of the severity of the economic strain that was coming our way, it raises concern as to how prepared they truly were. After all, Biden himself has been known to miss predictions in the past. Considering this, one can’t help but be cautious—did the left-leaning media and their failure to pay attention to much of the other major “accidents” know something the rest of us didn’t know? Ultimately speaking, many questions have yet to be answered, and citizens have every right to be suspicious of rates of inflation on goods being a more deliberate process than just coincidence. Something isn’t sitting right with any of this. What do you think?

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