If you thought modern universities were institutes of free speech and academic freedom, think again. Recent events have exposed the frightening reality: if you are a conservative with an invitation to speak at a large college or university, prepare for extraordinary hostility from the student body. This was evident in the reception of a Trump-appointed federal judge who recently visited Stanford.
A well-respected judge at the federal appeals court, Kyle Duncan, had a very trying experience when he was invited to speak at Stanford Law School recently. Despite his credentials and professional stature, Duncan was met not only with hostile reprimands from the dean of the law school, but also with yells and jeers from students in attendance who opposed his political views. Now Judge Duncan is demanding an apology from Stanford.
Daily Mail reports, Tirien Steinbach, associate dean of equity, diversity and inclusion, ambushed Kyle Duncan, from the fifth circuit of appeals, during a discussion Thursday night.

Initially, Steinbach, a former ACLU attorney who previously defended free speech, claimed Duncan had a right to express himself.
Here is how the exchange began.
Later, she launched into a six-minute speech condemning his life’s work, which she had written down.
Marxist @Stanford official and allied student leftists intimidate, berate and shout down federal judge. Who is running this school? Should anti-free speech woke universities receive any federal taxpayer funds? pic.twitter.com/O2ET2smNH1
— Tom Fitton (@TomFitton) March 11, 2023
Having been warned by progressive colleges that handclapping can cause offense, woke students clicked their fingers in support and yelled ‘Yes!’
At some points, her voice trembled, although it was not clear if she was upset or simply excited about performing for Duncan.
She then had the nerve to pretend to advocate for free speech while trying to silence him.
The Stanford chapter of conservative group The Federalist Society invited Duncan to Thursday’s event.
As part of his duties, he was required to discuss gun laws, COVID mandates, guns, and Twitter.
The protest, Duncan said, is similar to student-led protests of conservative speakers at Yale and Georgetown, which raised questions about the need for law schools to be bastions of open debate and free speech.
A few federal judges have said they won’t hire clerks from Yale over concerns they’ll end up with a woke social justice warrior incapable of representing someone who disagrees with their views.
If a room such as that at Stanford is representation of future lawyers, these schools need to be completely cracked down upon by some authority. That kind of behavior is not what a university environment is supposed to be like.The biggest question here is, where were the conservative students from the federalist society who invited Judge Duncan? Why didn’t they not defend their event unless of course the “conservative group” was hijacked by a bunch of liberals so they can ambush actually conservative speakers?
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