
“Whoopsies” – Whoopi Quickly Apologizes After Slur

Whoopi Goldberg’s audacious outburst in the form of a derogatory slur came as a shock to many with her words inciting great debate.

Whoppi Goldberg was quickly forced to apologize for a slur she said during a live show, but it is clear that she is only apologizing so she can continue to spew hate. 

Washington Examiner reports, a variation of a derogatory term used by Whoopi Goldberg toward Romani people was immediately apologized for by Goldberg on Wednesday.

Known for making controversial statements in the past, the View host was discussing former President Donald Trump and Stormy Daniels at the time of the offensive comment.

A tweet about the message was posted to The View’s Twitter account less than an hour after the show’s live broadcast ended.

Although Whoppi was quick to apologize for her harmful words against the Romani people, she was less quick to apologize for her amazingly stupid comments on the holocaust. 

Washington Examiner reports. The Holocaust was “not about race,” according to Whoopi Goldberg.

The host of ABC’s The View argued recently that race was not a factor in the systematic un-aliving of millions of Jews and other undesirables because the victims of the 1930’s Germans un-alivings were white groups.

Seth Mandel tweeted “”These are two white groups of people” hooooo boy that’s some stuff. Some [horrible events of the 1930’s] education would do Whoopi a world of good.”

According to a report, the debate began after a Tennessee school district removed Maus by Art Spiegelman from its curriculum due to its “inappropriate language” and nudity.

The novel Maus tells the story of Spiegelman’s parents, who survived the Holocaust in Poland.

Whoppi for too long has gotten away with saying things that would get others canceled in a second if that statement was made on Fox News or any other platform. Yet she is given chance after chance to continue to spew her hate towards anyone that she wants to, without repercussions. It is clear that both sides need to be held to the same standards when it comes to speech and what is acceptable, America needs to heal and come together and not be torn asunder any more. 

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