Joe Biden is a hypocrite, plain and simple. After recently parroting “propaganda” about the mythical gender pay gap, reports have exposed that over the past 36 years, Joe paid his own female employees substantially less than their male counterparts.
This deceptive monetary scheme orchestrated by Biden not only takes advantage of women’s contributions to his career, but brings into question the integrity of such a leader in the White House.
Pj Newsletter reports, there was a time when Joe Biden wasn’t the radical, commie-loving socialist you see in the White House today. During nearly forty years as a member of the Senate, he was a good, yes-man to the Washington establishment. He has, however, bent the knee to the radicals since 2021, pushing whatever idiotic ideas they have.
He posted a letter supposedly from a child complaining about the “gender wage gap.” Democrats have long pushed the myth that women are paid less because of their gender.

The letter in question is this one that reads “Dear President Biden. I just wanted to tell something not fair to ladies. Men are getting more money then girls. I think you should fix this since your the president. Even im a child and I think we should do something. From Charlotte’

In a tweet Biden replied “Charlotte, I couldn’t agree more. Women lose thousands of dollars each year, and hundreds of thousands over a lifetime, because of gender and racial wage gaps. I’m committed to building an economy where my daughters have the same rights and opportunities as my sons.”

That letter is very reminiscent of the letter that was sent out against Brett Kavanaugh. Just saying….
Someone was underpaying their female employees. However, it wasn’t a corporation or small business. It was Sen. Joe Biden.

Twitter users were quick to pull this article from 2019 that stated Biden paid his female workers 44 cents for every 1 dollar a man earned.
The report concluded that Biden did not achieve gender pay equity, with women earning just 67 cents for every dollar earned by men.
According to the report, Biden was closest to gender pay equity in early 2002, when female staffers earned 98% of what their male counterparts earned. However, that wasn’t the norm.
According to the National Committee on Pay Equity, in Biden’s final months as a senator in 2008, women earned 66% of what men earned – an 11-point gap above the 2008 national average.
Biden’s female employees earned less than 50% of what his male employees earned in 11 of the six-month periods analyzed by the Free Beacon, and women earned just 44% of what Biden’s male employees earned in 1983 and 1984.
Joe Biden is the hypocrite of all hypocrites. After posting a “letter” on Twitter claiming there is a gender wage gap, an investigation has exposed that Joe paid his female employees less than his male employees over the course of 36 years! Joe has been pushing Democratic propaganda about this fake pay gap for years, and yet he was engaged in his own discriminatory scheme. The only gender gap here was the outrageous one between what Biden claimed and what he actually did. This fraud must not go unnoticed; justice needs to be done!
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