It’s becoming harder and harder to be surprised when another college or university further embraces a left-leaning agenda, using their own students as subjects of ideological combat. For far too long, what was once an institution focused on providing education in a robust atmosphere of diverse thought has become little more than a breeding ground for indoctrination. Another major university has just hopped onto the bandwagon, exacerbating the crisis.
Ohio has become yet another state to join the unfortunate list of post-secondary educational institutions with subpar STEM education, by pandering to the leftist ideology with their engineering program.
Breitbart reports, it is required for applicants to Ohio State University to submit a diversity statement, with an application portal explaining this in relation to faculty positions in nuclear engineering. As part of the search committee will ask all applicants to provide a written statement that describes your commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.”
The statement continues, “Please provide specific examples such as teaching and/or mentoring students from underrepresented backgrounds, outreach activities to underrepresented groups, or conducting research that address social inequities.”

According to John Sailer of the National Association of Scholars, there is a rubric that can be used to judge DEI statements. For a statement to receive a “four,” the highest ranking, one must be “comfortable talking about race, gender, sexual orientation, disability, and other identities, specific actions taken to decrease bias and advance diversity, equity, and inclusion,” and most also demonstrate “ongoing commitment to learning and action.”
Several Republican legislators are fighting diversity, equity, and inclusion on college campuses. Recently, Ohio State Senator Jerry Cirino introduced Senate Bill 83, which bans the use of ideological litmus tests in hiring processes at public universities.
Cirino told the Columbus Dispatch, “This is not a political issue for me. This is not conservative or liberal. This is making sure students are exposed to different theories.”
OSU is not new to this way of thinking. Last year, the university forced their campus police to take Diversity training.
It started with the campus police officers being forced to recognize their internal racism for being cops. Now it’s requiring students to pledge their support to the mob if they want to pursue a higher education in a stem field. What’s next? Black and white dormitory for the safety of the brown students? This ridiculous trend must stop, we hope lawmakers crack down on this buffoonery. It must end.
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