Wokeness has morphed into a form of pseudo-religion, with our government openly endorsing its principles. With true religions stripped from public life, progressivism fills the void, unopposed in institutions like universities, corporations, public schools, and government agencies. Humanity needs answers to questions of meaning, identity, and purpose, but this experiment with neutrality has failed. The only way to defeat progressivism is to replace it with a more compelling and true narrative, embracing the indispensable nature of a shared moral vision.
As uncomfortable as it makes many, the illusion of cultural neutrality is dead. Religion isn’t going anywhere, so ignoring that fact does not make us enlightened, rational, or objective. It only leaves us vulnerable to the destructive, hollow forms of belief that we allow to rule us in the absence of true religion. Our nation’s citizens will act out a moral tradition in their daily lives, and every human civilization serves something higher. The only question we must ask ourselves is: Whom will we serve?