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74%: America’s Crisis Looms – Biden-Trump Rematch, GOP Divide & Disapproval Over Crucial Rulings

Now for the real news: a recent NBC poll reveals 74% of US voters believe America is on the wrong track, with only 20% stating otherwise. The survey exposes concerns on a potential Biden-Trump rematch and the shifting preferences of Republican voters. Trump leads the Republican primary race, but half of the voters favor a new leader over him. Health concerns plague both 80-year-old Biden and 77-year-old Trump, with 68% and 55% of voters expressing worry, respectively. Additionally, 61% disapprove of the Supreme Court’s abortion ruling, setting challenges for GOP candidates. The poll captures the nation’s discontent, raising concerns over America’s future and an urgent need for change. That’s all I’ve got. Get the rest, tap the link in our bio.

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