Decline of American Values: The Troubling Reality of Church Attendance!

Are religious values disintegrating? Brace yourself for a shocking revelation that will shake the foundation of faith in America! As church attendance plummets to an all-time low, the pandemic’s impact has left religious institutions in despair.

Church attendance in the United States has witnessed a dramatic decline, as revealed by a Gallup News survey. Prior to the pandemic, from 2016 to 2019, an average of 34 percent of U.S. adults attended religious services within the past week. However, since 2020, this figure has fallen to an average of 30 percent, with May 2023 recording a distressing low of 31 percent. The closure of churches and ongoing COVID-19 avoidance practices disrupted the habit of attending religious services for many Americans.

The survey indicates that church attendance rates have dropped significantly across various groups, except for political liberals and those without religious affiliation, who already had low attendance levels. Protestants experienced a four-point decline, from 44 percent to 40 percent, while Catholics witnessed a seven-point decrease, from 37 percent to 30 percent. Unfortunately, sample sizes for other religious groups were insufficient for reliable estimates.

Regardless of political affiliation, both Republicans and Democrats exhibited a similar decline in church attendance since the onset of the pandemic. However, Republicans maintained a higher attendance rate at 40 percent compared to Democrats and independents, standing at 25 percent each. This emphasizes the enduring importance of religious services among conservative individuals.

Among age groups, young adults between the ages of 18 and 34 demonstrated the lowest church attendance rates. An astonishing 82 percent of young adults did not attend church within the past week, with only 17 percent attending in person and a mere 1 percent participating remotely. This corroborates findings from earlier surveys in 2023, highlighting a declining interest in religion among the youth. A Wall Street Journal-NORC poll indicated that only 31 percent of young respondents ranked religion as “very important” to them, compared to 55 percent among seniors.

In contrast, other age groups exhibited attendance rates ranging from 27 to 31 percent within the past seven days. Notably, adults aged 55 and above showed the highest participation in remote attendance, with 8 percent opting for virtual services. However, the shift toward in-person attendance has been observed since May 2021, reaching 26 percent in May 2023. Remarkably, only 5 percent of regular attendees still participate virtually, indicating a strong desire to return to traditional church services.

The survey conducted between May 1-24, 2023, included 1,011 U.S. adults, with a margin of sampling error of ±4 percent at a 95 percent confidence level. These findings underscore a crisis within the religious landscape of America, as faith leaders struggle to comprehend and reverse the decline in church attendance.

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View Comments

  • Perhaps, many during the Covid Dempanic also realized that the church they belonged to was a WOKE entity that promoted Social Justice and Sodomy, and they just decided not to come back to a church teaching false doctrine?

    • Where were all of the pastors at during the covid scamdemic? The majority of them allowed their churches to be closed! They are the ones that should have taken on the task of fighting this illegal power grab! I only saw a couple of pastors standing up to the corrupt government! The ones that stood up to the government are the churches that you should attend! The ones that cowered to the government, are the ones that are just in it for the money!

  • Why? At least you are beginning to realize that something is amiss in Christendom. When any religion stops serving the people, the people will look elsewhere for their solace. Humans are beginning to wake up to the truth, that American Christendom, used its bibles to bludgeon those not buying into their bigotry and belief in Gods retribution capabilities.

    American Christians today have no idea about the truth of how Christendom came about, and obviously don't care. It was the early Catholic church that constructed the bible from the writing of scribes a hundred years after Christ death at a meeting in Nicea where they concocted a narrative that suited its need for control over the masses, just as it does today.

    Writers all embellish their story lines to make a point the author wants to promulgate regardless of what the real truth of their story line might or might not be. An object lesson is the belief in a singular God, Monotheism, but yet it is mentioned in the first chapters in genesis is this: "Now that they have eaten of the fruit of the tree of good and evil they have become like one of us", the word "US" means many. "We must be vigilant an not let them eat of fruit of the tree of Life and live forever." The use of the word "tree" is a euphemism.

    Christendom today has lost its relevance, because education is beginning to help people understand just who and what we are and where we actually came from.

  • I am amazed at the ignorance of the majority of the comment poster on this site. It is time to stop believing and acting like children and wake up to the reality we live in. Having faith is one thing and can be a wonderful spiritual path, but your bible do not speak of spiritual paths, it speaks overwhelmingly of retribution by gods in you don't live up to their supposed demands. WAKE UP CHILDREN IT IS TIME FOR SCHOOL !!!

  • Perhaps church doesn't 'teach' the Bible.
    Perhaps most Pastors do not know how to teach the Bible, because they were not taught, and never yearned to move forward in learning. For a true literal interpretation of the Holy Bible you need to understand Greek and Hebrew. Pethaps also because of the lack of enthusiasm for Pastors ( Apostate churches) to actually learn how every book in Old and New Testaments coincides with each other . The Holy Bible is a intricately weaved true story of what was and what is to come, Divinely directed by the Holiest of Holies.
    Jesus which was, and which is to come, is I AM, Lord and Savior, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Pray and believe and HE will lift you up !!

  • The covid scamdemic enabled radical takeovers of many other churches (flying the BLM and LGBT flags) using covid money (lots of money went out and yes it went to criminals, change agents, lawyers and politicians) to usurp the old order at many churches. Wow did it work.

  • Is anyone really surprised? Just over half a century ago, evolution (more accurately "Origin of Species") was taught as theory, but the last two generations have been taught that it is
    fact. A recent poll found that 54% of Americans now believe in evolution rather than creation.
    If not already, this country is turning its back on God, Jesus. Jesus said that in the end times
    there would be a falling away and we are experiencing the ramifications of it....the country is
    crumbling down around our ears. Perversion is rising faster than any flood water. It isn't going
    to end well for the U.S.A. if there is not a huge awakening such as what happened in
    Nineveh so many millennia ago.

  • They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.

    1 John 2:19

    This was written two thousand years ago and is accurate to the T

  • This is misleading because there are churches with a large nominal membership and those with many devout believers. Some churches have grown in numbers of believers. This survey does not give a breakdown of the numbers so the public can see where the growth is occurring and ask why.

  • they are democrats first and jews in name only. Jesus said it best, those who say they are jews but are not.

  • I was understanding your explanation until the slavic part. How did you arrive at Jesus was slavic/white? Thanks for explaining your position.

  • I was understanding your explanation until the slavic part. How did you arrive at Jesus was slavic/white? Thanks for explaining your position.

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