White House

Biden’s Grand Vanishing Act: The Unprecedented Tale of Dodging the Press!

President Joe Biden is breaking records for avoiding the press. He is taking the gold medal for hiding from reporters, as scandals regarding his family continue to swirl. Despite the calls for him to come out of hiding and address the American people, Biden remains hidden away in his bunker.

At a recent press briefing, a White House reporter confronted the administration, demanding that Biden face the public and answer for the allegations of corruption against him and his family. But instead of addressing the concerns of the American people, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre dodged the question and went off on a rambling rant about how “good” the economy is and how much Biden has done during his first two years in office.

The truth is, Biden has held fewer press conferences than any other president in recent history. There are several reasons for this. One of them is that the 80-year-old president can barely make it through the afternoon without needing a nap. He lacks the stamina and energy to face tough questions from the press.

Another reason why Biden is avoiding the press is that he would be forced to address the corrupt dealings of his family. He and his equally evil son, Hunter, pocketed millions through shady business ventures with foreign countries. Biden’s first press conference was held two months after he was inaugurated, the longest a new president has gone without holding a press conference in 100 years. During his first year in office, he held only 10 press conferences – most of which featured him reading prepared remarks and then being whisked away by reporters before he could take questions from the press.

The White House Correspondents’ Association has accused Biden of lacking “accountability to the public,” noting that he has diminished what a free press means. Every other president before Biden allowed full access to the very same spaces. Biden’s refusal to face the press is a clear sign that he is hiding something and is not fit to be the leader of the free world.

The American people deserve better than a president who hides from them and refuses to answer tough questions. It’s time for Biden to come out of hiding and be held accountable for his actions. The press must demand that he face the American people and answer the tough questions that he has been avoiding for far too long. The future of our democracy depends on it.

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