
Biden Makes Insensitive Joke amid McConnell Health Scare

President Joe Biden is a walking disaster, making headlines for his inappropriate behavior towards little girls and his complete disregard for people suffering from devastating losses. The latest target of his callousness is Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who suffered his second health scare in the past several weeks.

Biden, who is no stranger to health problems himself, thought it appropriate to crack a joke during a White House briefing when pressed about McConnell’s condition. In response, Biden turned to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and asked if he was running, making light of the potentially serious issue.

McConnell froze for roughly ten seconds during a press conference, causing concern among his aides, who rushed to his aid. This is the second time in recent weeks that the 80-year-old senator suffered such an episode, leaving many questioning his fitness to serve.

But rather than showing any concern or compassion, Biden seized the opportunity to mock McConnell’s health scare, even though the 81-year-old Senate leader has served with him for over two decades. It seems that Biden has no respect for his political opponents, much less his supposed friends and colleagues.

Adding insult to injury, a recent poll revealed that a staggering 77 percent of Americans believe Biden is too old to be effective for another four years in office. Even members of his own party are expressing concern about his advanced age and declining health, with 69 percent of Democrats agreeing that he is too old to continue serving as president.

Furthermore, 68 percent of Americans support age ceilings for House and Senate members, and 66 percent say age ceilings for presidential candidates are needed. These figures suggest that Americans are growing increasingly alarmed by the prospect of a president who may not be up to the demands of the job.

Given his own health issues and questionable behavior, it seems hypocritical for Biden to be making jokes at the expense of others, especially someone like McConnell, who has dedicated his life to serving our country. It is time for Biden to step down and make room for someone who is fit and capable of leading our great nation.

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