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Goodbye Mitch

You’ve known him for years, but do you really know him? Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell—twice now—frozen in time, but not in a way anyone wants.

Next News Network Team

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  • YEP! I know Mitch=Ole Turtle neck. He is the "republican" RINO that works hand-in-hand with the UNIPARTY in order to CONTROL Americans!!!!

  • He got arrested by the White Hats. Tried, convicted and sentenced and just can't believe it happened to him. What a dick. Execution for Treason is probably within the year. Hence the disbelief. These criminals honestly believe they are above the law or at the very least, will never get caught because of their elegance to the Criminal Cabal known as the Deep State. Look at that ol' farts horror on his face. The trouble is he'll only get a thethel injection when he deserves worse.

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