Categories: Around The Web

Shocking Truth Exposed! CBS News Debunks Latest Attempt to Scandalize Clarence Thomas – Click to Find Out How!

We’re constantly bombarded with the mantra that the media is here to protect our institutions, our democracy. Ironically, the same media readily wields its sword against the Supreme Court. But first, let’s uncover some hard truths buried deep under allegations and sensationalism.

Recently, CBS’s Jan Crawford blew bubbles in the latest attempt to tarnish Justice Clarence Thomas’ reputation. This came up at the end of a discussion on abortion pills. The issue at hand? Who funded his flights and why wasn’t it disclosed? A report suggested Thomas had taken more flights on a private jet, paid for by a billionaire donor, than he acknowledged.

It turns out the Senate Judiciary Committee had some documents showing Thomas had taken three additional trips with billionaire Harlan Crow, a longtime friend. The destinations varied: Montana, Savannah, you name it. Thomas maintained that these trips were about personal hospitality rather than business, and hence, did not need to be divulged, as per the regulations of the time. Those rules have since changed and Thomas has committed to report all future travel on his disclosure reports.

Meanwhile, Democrats have been attempting to cast a shadow of doubt over the conservative-majority Supreme Court. The recent revelations do nothing but add fuel to the fire.

This is the same committee that blatantly overlooked Senator Chuck Schumer’s direct intimidation against Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh. These caused outrage leading to potentially violent protests outside the residences of conservative judges and even facilitated a maniac’s cross-country assault to kill Justice Kavanaugh. But, all these were mostly swept under the rug by the media.

Now, the left is deploying similar tactics, with activists secretly tracking and trying to implicate Alito and his wife in some sort of scandal. The end goal? Eroding public confidence in the Supreme Court.

In this particular incident, the media seems to have jumped the gun. Norah O’Donnell attempted to scandalize the whole situation, but Crawford’s response gave it a perspective check. The trips happened before the present rules were established. It seems this isn’t just about technical breaches of disclosure. Instead, it’s another attempt by the media and left-wing to discredit the Supreme Court.

To sum up, the narrative being spun against Justice Thomas and the Supreme Court isn’t so much about upholding transparency. Rather, it’s a blatant attempt to undermine the Court’s legitimacy. And guess what? CBS’s Jan Crawford just ripped that narrative apart. It’s high time we paused and asked ourselves – is this about accountability or rendering an entire judicial body impotent?


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