ABC, CBS, PBS - all turning a blind eye to White House protests & hushing up Hunter Biden. Instead, we…
PBS crying 'wolf' over Trump weaponizing DoJ in a possible 2nd term! Remember when they silently approved Biden's handling of…
ABC's 'The View' hijacks D-Day's 80-year tribute for anti-Trump feud. How about we honor sacrifice sans politics? #Disrespect #WrongPlatforms
Politico discovers uncensored web space - WhatsApp Channels! Panic over election 'misinformation' but fails to recognize its own historic blunders.…
WaPo in chaos over new CEO's shake-up! Activists disguised as journalists prefer sinking ship to fair reports. #SnarkTransparency #NoMoreEchoChamber
Joy Reid, Jemele Hill claim racial bias in sports stardom. Last I checked, talent trumps race & sexuality. #FactCheckPlease🏀
Sarandon, truth deflector extraordinaire, loves to play 'deny reality' on the Israel/Hamas stage. No act of terror too big for…
ABC's Mary Bruce gushes over Biden's faux-Reagan moment, ignoring his deaf ear to Ukraine's pleas. Media spins tales, but propaganda…
Climate offenders or climate common-sensers? WashPost upset over athletes' AC use at the Olympics. Isn't this about sport, not eco-theatrics?…
Caught #MediaBias in its prime! The tunes change for Trump-trial cheerleaders while handling Hunter's fray. From daring chants to sympathetic…
MSM is blind to Hunter's 'truths'; side-steps Qatari deals & perjury claims. Sussing out VIP secrets or backing Biden's boys?…
Ruhle cries 'deceptive' over GOP's Biden video, yet glosses over his odd decorum. Calling out media bias isn't a crime,…