Stacey Warner

Stacey Warner

Georgia Couple Charged With Using Their 2 Adopted Sons to Produce Child PornGeorgia Couple Charged With Using Their 2 Adopted Sons to Produce Child Porn

Georgia Couple Charged With Using Their 2 Adopted Sons to Produce Child Porn

Many good prospective parents try for years to adopt a child. So when a story like this happens, it is…

3 years ago
Tulsi Gabbard Calls Kamala Harris Out for Hypocrisy Surrounding Brittney GrinerTulsi Gabbard Calls Kamala Harris Out for Hypocrisy Surrounding Brittney Griner

Tulsi Gabbard Calls Kamala Harris Out for Hypocrisy Surrounding Brittney Griner

Vice President Kamala Harris has a knack for saying and doing what's most politically expedient for her at the moment.…

3 years ago
A North Carolina County’s Schools Now Have AR15s For ProtectionA North Carolina County’s Schools Now Have AR15s For Protection

A North Carolina County’s Schools Now Have AR15s For Protection

People react differently to mass shootings. Some march to get rid of all guns, while some push for more guns…

3 years ago
25 Dangerous Criminals Arrested At Border25 Dangerous Criminals Arrested At Border

25 Dangerous Criminals Arrested At Border

What is happening at our southern borders is ridiculous and completely the fault of Joe Biden's non-existent border policies. Donald…

3 years ago
Hundreds Could Be Infected With Polio Virus in New YorkHundreds Could Be Infected With Polio Virus in New York

Hundreds Could Be Infected With Polio Virus in New York

Recently a young man in New York came down with polio and was paralyzed from it. He was not vaccinated…

3 years ago
15 Hurt When Drunk SUV Driver Barrels Through Native American Parade15 Hurt When Drunk SUV Driver Barrels Through Native American Parade

15 Hurt When Drunk SUV Driver Barrels Through Native American Parade

At times these days, it seems that it's not safe to go anywhere. Crime seems to be rampant everywhere, even…

3 years ago
Lightening Strike Very Near the White House Killing 3Lightening Strike Very Near the White House Killing 3

Lightening Strike Very Near the White House Killing 3

An elderly couple and a young man lost their lives near the White House last week when lightening struck. I…

3 years ago
China Sanctions Nancy Pelosi and Her Family For Visiting TaiwanChina Sanctions Nancy Pelosi and Her Family For Visiting Taiwan

China Sanctions Nancy Pelosi and Her Family For Visiting Taiwan

There were a lot of differing opinions in the United States about Nancy Pelosi visiting Taiwan. Joe Biden disagreed with…

3 years ago
Woman Runs Red Light In LA Killing 6 Including Pregnant Woman, Her Unborn Baby, and An InfantWoman Runs Red Light In LA Killing 6 Including Pregnant Woman, Her Unborn Baby, and An Infant

Woman Runs Red Light In LA Killing 6 Including Pregnant Woman, Her Unborn Baby, and An Infant

It was a horrific scene in Los Angeles late last week when a woman driving a Mercedes sped through a…

3 years ago
The J6 Committee Wants Alex Jones’ Texts That His Attorneys Inadvertently Sent To Opposing CounselThe J6 Committee Wants Alex Jones’ Texts That His Attorneys Inadvertently Sent To Opposing Counsel

The J6 Committee Wants Alex Jones’ Texts That His Attorneys Inadvertently Sent To Opposing Counsel

Alex Jones has been in court recently because parents of a child killed at the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre…

3 years ago
Former NFL Wide Receiver Terrell Owens Live-Streamed a Video Where a White Woman Called Police Because He Approached Her Former NFL Wide Receiver Terrell Owens Live-Streamed a Video Where a White Woman Called Police Because He Approached Her 

Former NFL Wide Receiver Terrell Owens Live-Streamed Video Where a White Woman Called Police Because He Approached Her

We've done a lot to get rid of racism in this country, but sadly, it does still exist. Even famous…

3 years ago
Senator Mitch McConnell Has No Concerns About Being Re-electedSenator Mitch McConnell Has No Concerns About Being Re-elected

Senator Mitch McConnell Has No Concerns About Being Re-elected

Many people, including Donald Trump and his supporters, think Mitch McConnell is a RINO. They think he isn't a real…

3 years ago