Title: South Carolina Sandwich Tragedy: A Cautionary Tale for Personal Responsibility and Home Safety The harrowing tale of Thommie Ruth…
New York Times' Baker turns Biden into an angel, Trump the felon. Ignorant or ingenious? #BidenNoSaint #MediaBias #StickToTheFacts
Drama over details: Stephanopoulos uses ABC to push his bias, convicts Trump before the court. News or a splashy narrative?…
Mainstream media's victory lap over Trump's conviction paints their bias on a billboard. Equal under law, yet forever just another…
Post-Trump verdict, PBS's predictable narrative paints GOP voters abandoning ship. Remember, their fair and balanced view is as left as…
#Stephanopoulos tumbles down Dem rabbit hole - spews biased talking points, defends questionable verdicts, dismisses DoJ-DA link-up, all while #Scharf…
Democrats play justice heroes yet sneak in Biden's $167B loan drama. Posing law & order champs but only when it…
If Beschloss quits his NBC historian gig for Hollywood screenwriting, expect more doom sequels like 'Trump's Presidency'. His dystopian fearmongering…
Bragg's 'Get Trump' campaign: A sweet tune for Dems and their lapdogs at Politico. Trump trial or political vendetta? You…
20 years since Reagan's passing and liberal media keeps attacking his legacy. Can't deny his economic flourish & Cold War…
Newsflash: PBS, a puppet on the taxpayer's dime, slings biased anti-GOP tales with gusto. Anything for 'fair,' unbiased reporting, right?…
Brace yourself for an exclusive look at the heart-stopping moments when dual tornadoes ripped through Midland International Airport, leaving a…