
Pro-Life Witness At Congressional Hearing Says It’s Not Abortion If a 10 Year Old Terminates a PregnancyPro-Life Witness At Congressional Hearing Says It’s Not Abortion If a 10 Year Old Terminates a Pregnancy

Pro-Life Witness At Congressional Hearing Says It’s Not Abortion If 10 Year Old Terminates a Pregnancy

There has long been a debate about whether abortion should be legal in the United States. Both sides are vehement…

3 years ago
Mother of Raped 10-Year Forced to Abort Defends RapistMother of Raped 10-Year Forced to Abort Defends Rapist

Mother of Raped 10-Year Forced to Abort Defends Rapist

The saga surrounding an illegal immigrant that raped a 10-year-old and forced her to travel across state lines to have…

3 years ago