Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Gets called Out Over Policies

Lori Lightfoot Questioned By Reporter
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Bill Kelly is a hard-hitting reporter who loves his hometown of Chicago.  He knows that Lori Lightfoot’s liberal policies are destroying his city and has no problem calling her out for it.  Let’s see how he humiliated her this time.

According to an article by reporter William J Kelly,

After remarks to Chicago’s elite at the City Club of Chicago that the city’s economy is booming, Kelly held Mayor Lightfoot’s feet to the Chicago fire.

“You say that Chicago’s economy is booming but you’ve turned Michigan Avenue into a Mile of Fear. The owners of Water Tower Place have thrown their keys back at the lender. They don’t want to do business in Chicago anymore,” Kelly said. “Real Chicagoans are asking me how you could possibly think you deserve re-election.

Lightfoot, who stuttered, twitched and was shaking with anger while Kelly, spoke, said, “That’s not true and I’m not going to dignify that question with an answer.”

Violent crime on Michigan Avenue and citywide is up 36%. It was recently announced that Water Towers owners have recently announced that the lender will be taking back the property as vacancies on the troubled Mag Mile mount.

The year of 2021 ended as one of the most violent on record in Chicago, as a rise in the number of shootings left more people dead than in any single year in a quarter century, according to statistics released by the police department.

According to the department, 2021 ended with 797 homicides. That is 25 more than were recorded in 2020, 299 more than in 2019 and the most since 1996. And there were 3,561 shooting incidents in 2021, which is just over 300 more than were recorded in 2020 and a staggering 1,415 more shooting incidents than were recorded in the city in 2019.

Other cities have also seen an increase in the number of homicides. But Chicago, as it has in previous years, ended 2021 with more homicides than any other city in the United States, including New York and Los Angeles, both of which had recorded at least 300 fewer homicides than Chicago for the year as of late December, according to police data from those cities.

Lightfoot was at Chicago’s elite City Club trying to make people believe the city is booming when Kelly struck her again, as he’s done a lot recently.  She knows she has no good answers, which is why she can do nothing but try to dodge his very important questions. Do Lightfoot and other liberal politicians like her need to go?  Will they be voted out?


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