Fauci Contradicts His Own Statement That U.S. Is Out of Pandemic After One Day

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Here we go again…. Fauci has once again made a proclamation, then tried to walk it back. Nothing like confusing the entire American public again, Dr. Fauci!

On Tuesday, April 26, Dr. Fauci said, in no uncertain terms, that the United States was out of the pandemic phase. He’s on video saying it, so it cannot (or should not) be denied. In fact, he said it twice. Watch:

Dr. Fauci Apriil 26, 2022: Courtesy of PBS NewsHour via YouTube.com

His statement, however, must not have sat well with “the powers that be,” because just one day later, on Wednesday April 27, he and the White House were already frantically trying to change the messaging.

To prove that Dr. Fauci is nothing but a puppet, on Wednesday he told the Associated Press this: “[w]e are in a different moment of the pandemic.” He also said this:  “By no means does that mean the pandemic is over.” 


Then, as proof that Fauci got his walking orders to fix things from the White House, Jen Psaki told reporters what Dr. Fauci meant. You read that right: a non-physician Press Secretary interpreted what a physician clearly stated about a medical issue.

Here’s how Press Secretary Psaki clarified the medical issue for Doctor Fauci: “Well, what Dr. Fauci was saying is that we are in a different phase of this pandemic, and that’s absolutely true.” Thank you Jen! Now we know that if we want medical information we should just ask the nearest Press Secretary.

Jen Psaki must be in great shape. She is always walking…walking back things the leaders in our government say. Usually it’s the latest “gaffe” by Joe Biden, but sometimes she has to walk back other things too.

Do you think Jen Psaki must be really tired from all her walking? Tell us in the comments.

Stacey Warner

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