Fauci Takes Maskless Selfies At Crowded Dinner Party Before WH Correspondent’s Dinner

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If you look up hypocrite in the dictionary, you will find a picture of Dr. Anthony Fauci. Okay, you won’t, but that’s what you should find.

Sean Spicer, Press Secretary under President Trump, ratted Fauci out on Twitter. Pointing out that Fauci said he would not be attending the White House Correspondent’s Dinner due to his assessment of personal risk, he Tweeted a picture of Dr. Fauci at a crowed pre-White House Correspondent’s Dinner party.

As is plain to see, there’s Dr. Fauci, cheesing it up with his buddy Don Lemon. Also plain to see, there’s not a mask in sight.

Others pointed out the hypocrisy as well. This Tweet shows how the elite, like Fauci, Lemon, and the rest of the important guests at the party don’t think they have to wear masks, but the help apparently does.

This crap has been going on for more than two years. If it weren’t so ridiculous it would be infuriating. No more than a week ago, Fauci said the U.S. was out of the pandemic phase. A day later, having obviously received different walking orders from the left, he back-flipped and said “[w]e are in a different moment of the pandemic. By no means does that mean the pandemic is over.” 

And yet, there he is, not attending the germy White House Correspondent’s Dinner, but instead attending a pre-dinner party. No mask. No social distancing. I wonder if the attendees even had to prove they’d been jabbed? I would venture to say at a more casual pre-dinner party that would not have been a requirement.

Interestingly, one person who attended the White House Correspondent’s dinner has already tested positive for covid-19. Does Fauci have any idea what he’s doing? Let us know what you think in the comments.

Stacey Warner

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