Gov Youngkin Proposes Protective Barrier Around SCOTUS Homes

Glenn Youngkin Calls for Protective Barrier Around SCOTUS Homes
Glenn Youngkin Calls for Protective Barrier Around SCOTUS Homes
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Thank GOD we have conservatives in Virginia. Unlike the DC Democrats egging on their supporters to harass Supreme Court Justices, Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin is taking real action to protect the top judicial body in the country while they work through a final draft of the decision on Roe v Wade.

Governor Youngkin sent a letter to the Fairfax County Board with a request to establish expanded security perimiters around the SCOTUS Justices’ homes after a week of harassment and threats following the leaked Roe v Wade draft.

Youngkin opens his letter by saying, “I am writing to respectfully request that the Fairfax County Police Department establish an expanded security perimeter around the homes of the three current Supreme Court Justices who reside in Fairfax County.”

“This request is based on credible and specific information received about upcoming activities planned at or involving the homes of the Justices in Fairfax County,” the newly elected conservative Governor continued. “We believe for the safety of the Justices and their families, their neighbors, and the law enforcement heroes dedicated to preserving peace and order in our communities, that an expanded security perimeter should be established.”

“The Virginia State Police have offered and stand ready to provide their assistance to Fairfax County Police. We are prepared to provide the manpower and resources necessary to ensure a safe perimeter, which should include limited unauthorized vehicle and pedestrian access, and be established prior to planned events on Wednesday, May 11, 2022,” he added.

Gov Youngkin then added his own opinion that protesters shouldn’t be allowed to organize outside the homes at all, saying, “In addition to my clear safety concerns, I fundamentally believe such demonstrations and picketing should not be allowed at the Justices’ homes as they are meant to intimidate and influence the Justices, not to mention, scaring their families and small children.”

Of course, banning any form of non-violent protest in this country is extremely difficult as the right to peaceably assemble is enshrined in the Constitution, which, for all relevant purposes, is the absolute law of the land.

Still, it’s important to protect the impartiality of the court and the Justices as they interpret constitutional law regardless of the topic or the politics behind it. Do you believe the protesters should be forced out to protect allow them to make their decisions not-under duress or are they still just exercising their constitutional rights as this time?

Gary Franchi

Gary Franchi

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