Alleged New York Subway Shooter Frank James Pleads Not Guilty

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On April 12, 2022 Frank James terrorized passengers on their morning subway commute in New York City. He was caught the next day. On Friday he pleaded not guilty in Federal court.

Courtesy of CNN via

JUST IN: Frank James, the man accused of opening fire on a Brooklyn subway train last month, pleads not guilty in federal court.

Fox News reports that “Frank James stands accused of deploying a smoke canister and firing his weapon 33 times “in cold blood at terrified passengers who had nowhere to run and nowhere to hide,” the detention memo states. Officials have said 29 people were injured, including 10 who suffered gunshot wounds.”

Fox News also reported that James was not shackled or hand cuffed when he appeared in the courtroom to enter his plea. The presiding judge, William Kuntz, asked him how he was, to which James replied “pretty good.”

Well, isn’t that nice…. Yes, we are presumed innocent until proven guilty in this country, but there is a lot of evidence against Frank James. While he didn’t kill anyone, that was just a matter of his victims’ luck, not his luck. He intended to do a lot more damage than he did.

He terrorized a whole city, not just those on the subway that day. New Yorkers ride the subway system every single day. It’s how they get around. So let’s hope the Democrats in the Federal judicial system don’t coddle the man. The fact that someone who did what he did could enter the courtroom with no handcuffs or shackles is troublesome though.

At least they didn’t give him bail. You really never know these days, especially in the liberal systems.

Would you have preferred that Frank James be handcuffed and shackled?

Stacey Warner

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