Joe Biden Whispers “I’m Your Commander In Chief” To Navy Graduates

Biden whispered into the microphone during his address to the Naval Academy graduating class in Annapolis.
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While delivering an address to the US Naval Academy’s Class of 2022 on Friday, Biden leaned into the microphone and whispered to the attending graduates “I’m your commander-in-chief.”

He has previously been ridiculed for this vocal inflection and some have called it strange. Regardless, the President has continued to use it like you can see below.

“You are graduating at an inflection point, not only in American history but in world history,” Biden said during his address in Annapolis. “The challenges we face, the choices we make are more consequential than ever. Things are changing so rapidly that the next 10 years will be the decisive decade of this century.”

The President then addressed the Russia-Ukraine conflict and accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of “trying to wipe out the culture and identity of the Ukrainian people.”

Biden seen addressing the graduating class saying “they are ready.” Picture via Screenshot of Yahoo Finance.

“A direct assault on the fundamental tenets of rules-based international order. That’s what you’re graduating into,” Biden continued discussing Putin.

The President used his address to call for a stronger NATO and said that Putin had accidentally caused NATO to become stronger with his invasion.

“He NATO-ized all of Europe,” said Biden.

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There were approximately 1,200 graduating midshipmen in attendance who Biden described as our “representatives and defenders of our democracy” worldwide.

Biden then discussed his friend Sen. John McCain, who was himself a Naval officer. The president mentioned that he wanted McCain’s legacy to guide the men and called the late Senator a “man of great principle.”

“I cannot promise you the way will be straight or the sailing will be easy, but I can promise you that you all have the tools needed to navigate any waters you encounter,” Biden finished the speech. “You are ready.” 

Do you think Biden speaks strangely or is there something wrong with him? Let us know your thoughts below.

Joe Biden Whispers “I’m Your Commander In Chief” To Navy Graduates

Joel Bailey

Joel Bailey is a social commentator and writer at the Next News Network. He graduated from Fisher College in Boston, Massachusetts and was adopted from Africa. He is proof of the American dream and learned conservative values at a young age.
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