Nancy Pelosi Is Covering Up The Lack of Security at The Capitol on Jan 6

Pelosi Covered Up Police Response on January 6th
Pelosi Covered Up Police Response on January 6th
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Democrats have been obsessed about January 6 since the events that day happened. What they never seem to talk about is, why was it so easy for the crowd to get into the Capitol Building? The answer: Nancy Pelosi.

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House Republican Study Committee Chairman Jim Banks told Breitbart News Saturday that Speaker Nancy Pelosi is covering up the “systemic breakdown of security under her watch during the January 6 protests and riots.” Republicans have been talking about this since January 6.

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Representative Banks says that during the televised hearing the Democrats avoided the topic of Capitol security on January 6, which falls on Speaker Nancy Pelosi. “It’s more important to focus on what they didn’t talk about, what they didn’t focus on, and what they did[sic] talk about was the systemic breakdown of security at the Capitol on Nancy Pelosi’s watch and the cover-up of documents and questions on that she doesn’t want to be asked,” Banks said. “That is why they kicked me off the committee because we were going to ask questions about her involvement in calling off the National Guard and questions about that and documents she refuses to give up – documents to the bipartisan Senate Homeland Security Committee about the calling off the National Guard on January 6,” reports Breitbart. The “bread crumbs lead back to her office,” Banks said.

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Democrats don’t want to take responsibility for anything. Pelosi is leading a witch hunt against Donald Trump, just like she did during his entire Presidency. She hates him but it also helps cover up her culpability regarding the events on January 6. If she’d done her job right, would anyone have even gotten inside the building that day?

Stacey Warner

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