Biden Signs Bipartisan Gun Legislation Into Law

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As Americans, we’ve gotten used to just how slowly our government works. Bills linger forever it seems and nothing ever really gets done. Except for this time, when a bipartisan piece of gun legislation made it through the Senate, the House and to the President’s desk in a matter of just one month.

First thing Saturday morning, June 25, 2022, just a month and a day after the massacre at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, Joe Biden signed the first federal gun safety legislation in decades.

Before signing the bill into law, Biden had to mention the Supreme Court’s “shocking” decision striking down Roe v. Wade. He added, “we’re going to take action to protect women’s rights and reproductive health.” Then he remembered he was there to sign a bill.

Courtesy of USA Today via

The legislation left all sides wanting, but it was enough to get bipartisan approval in the Senate before it went to the House of Representatives. The House on Friday passed the bill by 234-193, including 14 Republicans voting with Democrats. Democrat Senator Chris Murphy said that the law will save thousands of lives without violating anyone’s Second Amendment rights. See for a list of the Senate Republicans who voted yes on the bill.

Here are the 14 House Republicans who voted for the bill:

1. Liz Cheney of Wyoming

2. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois

3. Tom Rice of South Carolina

4. John Katko of New York

5. Maria Salazar of Florida

6. Chris Jacobs of New York

7. Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania

8. Peter Meijer of Michigan

9. Fred Upton of Michigan

10. Tony Gonzales of Texas

11. Steve Chabot of Ohio

12. Mike Turner of Ohio

13. David Joyce of Ohio

14. Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio

Biden said he intends to celebrate the passing of the bill with the Congress people who supported it on July 11 when he returns from Europe. The families of victims of gun violence will also be invited to the celebration which will take place at the White House.

Here’s what one person thinks about the whole thing:

Kyle Rittenhouse just released a video gave where you get to shoot fake news

It’s hard to believe they actually did it. Guns are one of the most controversial issues in the United States so to get a bipartisan gun bill passed, and in just a month, is remarkable. How do you think they were able to pull it off? What do you think of the law? Please let us know in the comments.

Stacey Warner

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