AOC and Other Liberals Call to Get Rid Of SCOTUS Entirely and Remove Conservative Justices From Teaching Positions

AOC speaks on Meet the Press about the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade
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Liberals are very unhappy with the Supreme Court of the United States. Even though our Founding Fathers designed our country to operate with three branches of government, including the SCOTUS, now that they don’t approve of some of the high court’s decisions they want to either get rid of the whole thing or punish the conservative Justices for their conservative opinions, or both.

At George Washington University recently, students called to remove Justice Clarence Thomas from his teaching position there. Some students started a petition to have him removed, but the University said it won’t happen. In a statement, the university said, “[b]ecause we steadfastly support the robust exchange of ideas and deliberation, and because debate is an essential part of our university’s academic and educational mission to train future leaders who are prepared to address the world’s most urgent problems, the university will neither terminate Justice Thomas’ employment nor cancel his class in response to his legal opinions.”

One law student at the university said the movement is just another example of cancel culture. “Of course, this has nothing to do with the law school community and has nothing to do with his teaching style or his popularity among law students,”  said Tahmineh Dahbozorgi. “This is just another cancel culture case motivated by emotional response to something that students just don’t like,” she continued.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is doing her best to stir up her liberal followers, too. After the SCOTUS issued its last two decision on Wednesday, she had a complete meltdown. With a conservative majority of 6-3, the High Court ruled that the Environmental Protection Agency, or EPA, does not have the authority to curb greenhouse gas emissions from power plants and said that issue belongs in Congress. Here’s how AOC responded: “Catastrophic. A filibuster carveout is not enough. We need to reform or do away with the whole thing, for the sake of the planet.”

Biden recently tweeted: “We have to codify Roe v. Wade into law. And as I said this morning: If the filibuster gets in the way, then we need to make an exception to get it done.”

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AOC is doing all she can to fire up her liberal base. And she has quite a following, with 13.1 million followers on Twitter alone. The Dems in Congress are trying their best to cook up at least a filibuster, first to get a federal law that legalizes abortion, and now AOC says carved-out filibusters aren’t going to be enough. Do you think the liberals can accomplish what AOC wants?

Stacey Warner

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