On Friday, President Joe Biden gave remarks at August Victoria Hospital in East Jerusalem and described when doctors took the “top of his head off.” During the remarks, he told a story about dealing with his brain aneurysm and then also described the nurses that rubbed his face and whispered in his ear.
“My background and the background of my family is Irish American and we have a long history not fundamentally unlike the Palestinian people, with Great Britain and their attitude toward Irish Catholics over the years for 400 years,” said Biden while he was in East Jerusalem.
In the video, Biden suffered a coughing fit in the midst of all the healthcare workers.
Is Joe Biden well?
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) July 15, 2022
Serious question
Later in the video, he joked that doctors had to open up the top of his head twice because they could not find his brain.
“I joked that the reason why they went in twice to take the top of my head off is they couldn’t find a brain the first time,” said Biden at the 5:22 through 5:28 minute mark in the video above.
It got more interesting when Biden then started discussing the nurses that helped him when he was at death’s door and said he appreciated them rubbing his face and whispering in his ear.

“I don’t think you nurses are appreciated enough…while you lie in the ICU, and I have not said this publicly before…” Biden said before disclosing he almost flatlined and died.
Joe Biden Seems To Shake Hands With Nobody Again In Israel
“And the nurses at Walter Reed Hospital would come up and rub my face, they’d whisper in my ear, they’d get close and tell me it’s gonna be okay. They made a difference in my life,” Biden continued.
At the 5:00 minute mark, Biden discussed the nurses that helped him.
Biden was speaking at a trip to the August Victoria Hospital in East Jerusalem and said that Palestinians and Israelis “deserve equal measures of freedom, security, prosperity and dignity, and access to health care when you need it is essential to living a life of dignity for all of us.”
He praised nurses and healthcare workers and announced his $100 million commitment from the US to Palestinian hospitals in East Jerusalem, according to Times of Israel.
Do you think that Biden is all the way there or healthy enough to lead the United States? He’s had several major health issues over the years and people need to remember that. Let us know your thoughts in the comments.