An official from the United States Department of State revealed on Twitter why the Biden Administration prefers higher gas prices under his reign.
The inflammatory claim was made by Alan Eyre, the first ever Persian language spokesman for the Department of State, who suggested that high gas prices were the key to solving Climate Change.
“I prefer high gas prices = less driving, less CO2,” tweeted Eyre, who deleted the post and deactivated his account shortly after making the comment despite the need for maintaining records of statements made by administration officials.

Eyre’s tweet was in response to a post by President Biden, who was attempting to brag about lowering the cost of gas for American drivers.
Biden posted on the @POTUS Twitter account, “Today, America’s drivers will spend on average $30 less per month on gas than they did during peak prices. For families like the one I grew up in, ending the month with a little extra in your pocketbook counts for something.”
Today, America's drivers will spend on average $30 less per month on gas than they did during peak prices.
— President Biden (@POTUS) July 22, 2022
For families like the one I grew up in, ending the month with a little extra in your pocketbook counts for something.
President Biden’s administration has been working overtime recently to try and take credit for a slight decrease in national gas prices before the 2022 election. Despite the victory lap by the POTUS, Americans have seen gas reach all-time highs under his rule and economic policies.
As of this Saturday, average gas prices in the United States remained at an eye-popping $4.38 per gallon, with California seeing an average gas price of $5.75 per gallon. Despite the small drop in price, a gallon of gas is still 39% higher this year than last year, or roughly $2 per gallon extra.
The spike in fuel costs has led to mass inflation nationwide as well, with the US hitting a historic milestone of over a 9% increase in inflation since Biden took over the White House in January of 2022.
Many Americans view the crumbling US economy as their #1 concern coming into the 2022 midterm elections. Do you believe his effort to spin the gas crisis in his favor will work or has Biden essentially ruined Democrats’ chances of keeping the House and Senate in November?